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‘‘Text by Else Meidner titled ‘Dialogue with Death’

[Transcription/translation] A DIALOGUE WITH DEATH Death: (Skeleton in top-hat and overcoat walks into my studio) How do you do? Me: (Terrified and trembling, I try to speak but can’t make a sound.) Death: Why such horror, why such frightful fear, when you spend so much time preoccupied with me, when you’ve been drawing me and carrying me around in your thoughts since childhood? I’m flattered that you’ve never forgotten me and I’m almost inclined to believe that you’ve fallen in love with me and wanted to welcome me with… Me: (Interrupting) Get out, Death, get out! Death: Do calm down, …
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‘‘Poem by Else Meidner titled ‘Beethoven’s Symphony

[Transcription/translation] Beethoven’s Symphony No 9 in D Minor I stand as though on a sandbank In an ocean of melodies Of otherworldly beauty And magical power! The waves rush ever closer, Foaming with force and bravura, And the ether is richly suffused With a wealth of oral harmonies. The deluge rises, engulfs me, I cannot breathe, my heart is filled With blessed joy and desire profound! Fanfares ring out, drumrolls resound! Is the hour of the Last Judgement come? But the waves gently recede, Ebbing further and further away, Just a few sweet melodic crests Quietly, quietly ebb and flow …
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‘‘Letter from Käthe Kollwitz to Else Meidner‘, Käthe

[Transcription/translation] 23 November 1932 Dear Frau Meidner, It was with great sympathy that I read your letter. Yes – the young women of today have it far harder than I had it in my day, when we were still able to take on outside help so that I could keep working. It was only when the children got ill that the work really had to wait. Still, I would try to send something in for the state prize. It’s clear that your prospects are not great because there are so many submissions and the jurors tend to consider their own …
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‘‘Letter from Else Meidner to J.P.

[Transcription/translation] 9 November 1969 Dear Dr Hodin, I don’t own the telephone, just a line to the telephone downstairs, where anyone can listen in to what I’m saying!!! That’s why I can’t speak as freely as I should like, certainly not about sales. For that I’d have to go all the way down there. Remember that I live in furnished accommodation and that I really don’t have a home to speak of. This can hardly be of any interest, but I’m just explaining my situation. Does Dr Maass never ask after me? In a letter with stamps enclosed I asked …
Hodin Letter from Else Meidner to J.P.

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‘‘Letter from Else Meidner to J.P.

[Transcription/translation] 9 June 1973 For Dr Hodin, who is my Berlioz! Heine had been lying on what he called his ‘mortuary mattress’ for years, and no-one ever came to visit him. Then the arrival of Berlioz was announced. Heine called out to him as he came through the door: ‘Berlioz, you always were original! When Liebermann was painting Professor Sauerbruch he suddenly stopped and said to him: ‘You doctors have it good!’ Sauerbruch was taken aback. ‘How so?’ he asked. Liebermann answered: ‘Your mistakes end up six feet under, whereas we have to hang ours on the walls for all …
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‘‘Letter from Else Meidner to J.P.

[Transcription/translation] 21 May 1959 Dear Doctor Hodin, The languid nude (reclining with feet up) that you chose is now part of your collection. I shall exhibit the painting first, then after the exhibition it will go to you. Hoping that will be fine with you and that this nude too will be reproduced, as we discussed, and with sincere thanks for all your efforts, Yours, EM
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‘‘Letter from Else Meidner to J.P.

[Transcription/translation] 30 March 1969 De profundis Dear Dr Hodin, I’ve been suffering so much on account of my paintings recently that I no longer know what to do. I can’t go on. The paintings have been stood there under sheets for years. But when I look at them I’m convinced they have culture. But who wants that? There are no hard, fat lines around my nudes, portraits and landscapes. Their iridescent light and their tonal values just don’t conform to the taste of our age. But they’re beautifully painted. Is coarseness beautiful? But our age is coarse, and art has …
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