Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: elsen

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‘‘Letter from Edward Renouf to Anny Schey von Koromla‘, Edward Renouf, recipient: Anny Schey von Koromla, 13 April 1947‘, Edward Renouf, recipient: Anny Schey von Koromla, 13 April 1947 – Tate Archive | Tate

Calle Gral. Aureliano Rivera 17-B Villa Obregon Distrito Federal Mexico 13 April 1947 My very dearest Annerl and Beate! Since you’ve both asked me almost exactly the same questions, I’m writing to you both at the same time so I won’t have to repeat myself. What dramatic adventures the young Clemens has been put through! Poor Annerl! Poor Frau Clemens! But how proud you must be, as mother and wife, to know that he’s now fit and well and on the right path. I’m pleased to hear he’s grown up to be such a steadfast and single-minded young man, for …
reports of food shortages in England – and everywhere else

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‘‘Letter from Edward Renouf to Anny Schey von Koromla‘, Edward Renouf, recipient: Anny Schey von Koromla, 12 December 1934‘, Edward Renouf, recipient: Anny Schey von Koromla, 12 December 1934 – Tate Archive | Tate

Postal address: c/o Leisure League of America, Inc. 30 Rockefeller Plaza New York City 12 December Dearest Annerl! Please don’t think that my long silence might mean I could have stopped thinking about you for even a moment, or that anyone or anything could have undermined my loyalty to you. Heaven knows your prophecy – you’ll become a Nazi yet! – has not come to pass. Germany for me is finished. On the one hand there’s the over-inflated, slogan-spouting, narrow-minded, self-seeking, blood-thirstiness of its loud, uncultured tyrants. On the other there’s the stifling suppression of the few cultured people who …
shortage of marvellous things to do; certainly nowhere else

  • International
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