‘‘Incomplete letter from Marie Seton to Ronald Moody, addressed from New Delhi‘, https://www.tate.org.uk/art/archive/items/tga-956-1-2-58-60/incomplete-letter-from-marie-seton-to-ronald-moody-addressed-from-new-delhi
This letter was written over the course of two days. The beginning is missing and the letter starts on page 3. It also jumps from page 4 to page 7 halfway through. 28 May 1964 In this letter Marie Seton gives an account of Nehru’s body being carried down and tells Moody of her disgust at press photographers, particularly a woman trying to take candid shots of Indira’s grief. She tells Moody of the widespread shock at Nehru’s death apart from Indira, Mr Metha and Marie who were expecting it. Seton refers to the lack of preparation for the death …
Seton Incomplete letter from Marie Seton to Ronald Moody, addressed from New Delhi