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Diving in Borneo, Malaysia: Sipadan, Mabul, Kapalai and Sabah, Sarawak, Kalimantan (Indonesia), Brunei – description of dive sites, maps, dive operators (Zubi)

diving in Borneo, Brunei, Kalimantan – maps, description of dive sites, addresses, links Scuba diving in the Malaysian part of Borneo: Sarawak (Sematan, Miri, Luconia shoals), Sabah (Layang Layang, Labuan, Pulau Tiga, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Lankayan, Mabul, Kapalay, Sipadan, Roach reef, Mataking) Scuba diving in the Indonesian part of Borneo: Kalimantan (Derawan, Nabucco, Kakaban, Maratua, Sangalaki) and also in Brunei. Maps and description of dive sites. Tauchen in Borneo, Kalimantan und Brunei (Reisebericht) – Sarawak (Sematan, Miri, Luconia shoals), Sabah (Layang Layang, Labuan, Pulau Tiga, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Lankayan, Mabul, Kapalay, Sipadan, Roach reef, Mataking) – Kalimantan (Derawan, Nabucco, Kakaban, Maratua, Sangalaki) – Karten, Tauchplatzbeschreibungen, Adressen und LInks (Zubi – starfish)
the north, close to Sandakan, is a small island with

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Frogfish (Anglerfish) – Starfish Photos – Anglerfische (Fühlerfische)

starfish: photos of frogfish (Anglerfish) – Fotos von Anglerfischen (Fühlerfische, Krötenfische) Latin names of the frogfish species on this page: Antennarius commersonii, hispidus, maculatus, pictus, randalli, striatus, Anntenatus nummifer, coccineus, tuberosus, rosa, Halophryne
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Coral Reef Fishes (Fusiliers, Comet fish, Bream, Rudderfishes, Soapfish, Emperor) – Starfish Photos – Korallenfische (beilbauchfische, Flossenblatt, Füsilier, Ruderfisch, Seifenbarsche, Scheinschnapper, Strassenkehrer). Species on this page: Acanthopagrus, Belonoperca, Caesio, Calloplesiops, Crenimugil, Diploprion, Gnathodentex, Grammistes, Gymnocaesio, Gymnocranius, Heteropriacanthus, Kyphosus, Labracinus, Lethrinus, Monodactylus, Monotaxis, Neoniphon, Paracaesio, Pentapodus, Pogonoperca, Priacanthus, Pseudochromis, Pterocaesio, Sargocentron, Sectator, Scolopsis

starfish: Photos of Reef Fishes: bigeyes, bream, chubs, dottyback, devilfish, emperors, fusiliers, monos, rudderfishes, soapfish. Argusfische, Flossenblatt, Füsilier, Grossaugenbarsche, Husaren- und Soldatenfisch, Mirakelbarsche, Meeräschen, Seifenbarsche, Scheinschnapper, Strassenkehrer, Zwergbarsche. Species on this page: Acanthopagrus, Belonoperca, Caesio, Calloplesiops, Crenimugil, Diploprion, Gnathodentex, Grammistes, Gymnocaesio, Gymnocranius, Heteropriacanthus, Kyphosus, Labracinus, Lethrinus, Monodactylus, Monotaxis, Neoniphon, Paracaesio, Pentapodus, Pogonoperca, Priacanthus, Pseudochromis, Pterocaesio, Sargocentron, Sectator, Scolopsis
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