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Stonefishes – Devilfishes – Stingfishes – unidentified scorpionfishes – Steinfische – Teufelsfische – Stingfische – Nicht identifizierte Skorpionfische. Species on this page: Choridactylus, Erosa, Inimicus, Minous, Synanceia

starfish: photos of Scorpionfishes (Stonefishes – Devilfishes – Stingfishes – unidentified scorpionfishes) Fotos von Skorpionfischen (Steinfische – Teufelsfische – Stingfische – Nicht identifizierte Skorpionfische) Latin name of the scorpionfishes on this page: Choridactylus, Erosa, Inimicus, Minous, Synanceia
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Diving in south Bali: Nusa Penida, Ceningan, Lembongan, Nusa Dua, Sanur, Benoa: description of dive sites, maps, dive operators, the Mola Mola ocean sunfish (Zubi)

Dive sites in south Bali, Indonesia: Lembongan,Ceningan, Nusa Penida, Nusa Dua – maps, description of dive sites, addresses, links . Description of the Mola Mola ocean sunfish and the best time and places and the necessary conditions to see them (Zubi – starfish)
The use of a 5mm wetsuit with a hood and gloves is

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Benthic fishes (flatheads, gurnards, stargazer and more) – Starfish Photos – Benthische Fische (Bodenbewohner wie Himmelgucker, Knurrhahn, Krokodilfisch. catfish -Plotosus, Paraplotus. Species on this page: crocodilefish – Cociella, Cymbacephalus, Eurycephalus, Rogadius, Sunagocia, Thysanophrys. goatfish – Mulloidichthys, Parupeneus, Upeneus. gunard – Dactyloptena, Lepidotrigla. jawfish – Opistognathus. remora – Echeneis, Remora. tilefish – Malacanthus. Sand diver – Trichonotus.

starfish: photos of benthic fishes (Catfishes – Flatheads – Goat Fishes – Helmet Gurnard – Jawfishes – Remora – Sand Divers – Tilefishes) – Fotos von Benthische Fische (Bodenbewohner wie Kieferfisch – Knurrhahn – Korallenwelse – Krokodilsfisch – Meerbarben – Schiffhalter – Sandtaucher – Torpedobarsche ) Latin names of the species on this page: catfish -Plotosus, Paraplotus. crocodilefish – Cociella, Cymbacephalus, Eurycephalus, Rogadius, Sunagocia, Thysanophrys. goatfish – Mulloidichthys, Parupeneus, Upeneus. gunard – Dactyloptena, Lepidotrigla. jawfish – Opistognathus. remora – Echeneis, Remora. Sand diver – Trichonotus. tilefish – Malacanthus.
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Unusual Waspfishes and velvetfishes – Starfish Photos – Stirnflosser und Samtfisch. Species on this page: Ablabys, Adventor, Apistus, Cocotropus, Paracentropogon, Paraploactis, Richardsonichthys

starfish: photos of waspfishes, velvetfishes. Fotos von Stirnflosser und Samtfisch Latin names of the scorpionfishes on this page: Ablabys, Adventor, Apistus, Cocotropus, Paracentropogon, Paraploactis, Richardsonichthys
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