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Cephalopods (sepias, squids, octopus) – Starfish Photos – Tintenfisch, Oktopus, Kraken, Sepias

starfish: photos of Cephalopods (sepias, squids, octopus) , photos of mimic octopus, flamboyant cuttlefish and other rare animals – u.a. Mimik-Oktopus, flammenden Sepias und Blauring-Oktopus. Species on this page: Metasepia, Sepia, Euprymna, Ideosepius, Nautilus
Metasepia, Sepia, Sepioteuthis Back to the main page with

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Diving in Galapagos, Ecuador: description of dive sites, maps, dive operators (Zubi)

dive sites in Galápagos islands (Galapagos archipelago): Darwin, Wolf, Floreana, Espanola, Santa Cruz, Santiago, Sata Fe, Isabela, Marchena, Genovesa, Pinta and SanCristobal. Several maps, description of dive sites, addresses, links, about the Galapagos (Geology), dive conditions, water temperatures, climate, marine life, Oceanography, Galápagos National Park and Galápagos Marine Reserve (Zubi – starfish)
The Galápagos are an archipelago with 14 major islands

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Hydroids and Jellyfish – Starfish Photos – Hydrozoen und Quallen

starfish: photos of Hydroids and Jellyfish (Coronatae, Semaeostomae, Rhizostomae, Stauromedusae, Hydroids, Hydrocorals (Fire Corals), Cubozoa, Comb-jellies ) – Fotos von Hydrozoen und Quallen (Kranz- oder Tiefseequallen, Fahnenquallen, Wurzelmundquallen, Stielquallen, Hydrozoen, Hydrokorallen, Würfelquallen, Rippenquallen) Species on this page: Aglaophenia, Antennellopsis, Bolinopsis, Cassiopea, Coeloplana, Cotylorhiza, Cyanea, Distichopora, Eudendrium, Lytocarpus, Lobonema, Mastigias, Macrorhynchia, Millepora, Nausithoe, Netrostoma, Pelagia, Pennaria, Plumularia, Sertularia, Stylaster, Thysanostoma, Tubularia, Velamen, Zanclea
Tubularia, Velamen, Zanclea Back to the main page with

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Sunfishes – Molidae – Mondfische (

starfish: photos of pelagic fishes (sunfishes, mackerels, barracudas, napoleon wrasse) – Starfish Photos – Fotos von Grossfischen (Mondfische, Makrelen, Barrakudas, Napoleon Lippfische) Names of the fish species on this page: Mola mola / Sphyraena qenie, acutipinnis / Caranx ignobilis / Carangoides orthogrammus / Gymnosarda unicolor / Cheilinus undulatus
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Snails (sea slugs – Opisthobranchia) – Starfish Photos – Gehäuseschnecken (Meeresschnecken, Opisthobranchia) Architectonicidae – Aplustridae – Buccinoidea – Cancellariidae – Cassidae – Cerithiidae – Conidae – Cypraeidae – Cystiscidae – Epitoniidae – Eulimidae – Harpidae – Haliotidae – Lamellariidae – Muricidae – Naticidae – Ovulidae – Strombidae – Terebridae – Thycidae – Tonnidae – Turbinidae – Velutinidae – Vermitidae – Volutidae

starfish-photos of Snails: Cassidae – Cerithiidae – Cypraeidae – Epitoniidae – Eulimidae – Lamellariidae – Naticidae – Ovulidae – Strombidae – Tonnidae – Triviidae – Velutinidae – Vermitidae Species on this page: Aclyvolva, Calpurnus, Cassis, Ceraesignum, Charonia, Coriocella, Crenavolva, Cribrarula, Cuspivolva, Cymatium, Cypraecassis, Cypraea, Dentiovula, Diminovula, Echineulima, Epitonium, Erronea, Eulima, Euprotomus, Hiatavolva, Lambis, Lyncina, Malea, Margistrombus, Margovula, Natica, Ovula, Palmadusta, Pellasimnia, Phalium, Phenacovolva, Polinices, Primovula, Prionovolva, Procalpurnus, Prosimnia, Pseudovertagus, Rhinoclavis, Semicassis, Strombus, Talostolida, Talparia, Thyca, Thylacodes, Tonna, Trivirostra, Volva
Turbinidae – Volutidae) Back to the main page with

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Bivalves (Bivalvia) – Muscheln – Starfish Photos of mussels, oysters, file shells – Feilenmuschel, Austern, Riesenmuschel

starfish: photos of Bivalves (Bivalvia) like mussels, oysters, file shells and Chitons (Polyplaceohora) and Tusk Shells (Scaphopoda) – Fotos von Muscheln (Bivalves) wie Feilenmuschel, Austern, Riesenmuschel und Käferschnecken (Polyplaceohora) sowie Kahnfüsser (Scaphopoda) Species on this page: Acanthopleura, Atrina, Ctenoides, Chama, Dentalium, Fustiaria, Hippopus, Ischnochitonidae, Limaria, Pedum, Pinna, Pinctata, Tridacna, Siliqua, Spondylus
Siliqua, Spondylus, Tridacna Back to the main page with

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