Starfish: photos of Commensal Shrimps living on echinoderms (Periclimenes, Zenopontonia, Laomenes, Ancylomenes) – Fotos von Partnergarnelen (Caridea) welche auf Stachelhätern leben
starfish: photos of Commensal Shrimps living on echonoderms (Periclimenes, Zenopontonia, Laomenes, Ancylomenes) – Fotos von Partnergarnelen (Caridea) von Stachelhäutern Species on this page: Allopontonia, Brucecaris, Laomenes, Palaemonella, Periclimenes, Pontoniopsis, Stegopontonia, Synalpheus, Zenopontoni
Plants Marine Pflanzen Feather Stars Haar- oder Federsterne Starfish Seesterne