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checklist neediness – Pro Igel | Verein für integrierten Naturschutz Deutschland e. V.

Which hedgehogs are in need of help? Those that need help are: Injured hedgehogs Often the place and circumstances (road, construction site) in which the hedgehog is found will alert you to its injuries. Animals which have been trapped possibly for days in trenches, light wells etc without food and water are also in need of help.
hedgehogs found out of their nest in the daytime, with

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Imprint – Pro Igel | Verein für integrierten Naturschutz Deutschland e. V.

Publisher Pro Igel, Verein für integrierten Naturschutz Deutschland e.V. Register of associations District court Kempten/Allgäu, Registernumber: VR 30459 EXECUTIVE BOARD President / Managing director Heike Philipps E-Mail: 1. Vice-chairman Ulli Seewald E-Mail: 2. Vice-chairman Uta Göbel E-Mail: Treasurer URL Representatives Heike Philipps, Zánka Ulli Seewald, Münster/Westf. E-Mail: Responsible according §6 MDStV (German „Mediendienstestaatsvertrag“) Dipl.-Vet.-Med. Carsten Schiller, Berlin E-Mail: Editorial, texts,
releases, on the “Our Society” page may be reproduced with

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Hedgehog measure – Pro Igel | Verein für integrierten Naturschutz Deutschland e. V.

Call for the collection of data on the body measurements of hedgehogs Knowledge of hedgehog body measurements is relevant to research. Relatively few figures are available for the European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus), which is native to our region. Therefore we ask for your help! In Europe in particular, thousands of hedgehogs come into human hands
in the state veterinary examination offices deal with

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Childrens‘ books & Games – Pro Igel | Verein für integrierten Naturschutz Deutschland e. V.

Stachel – Erlebnisse eines Igels By Maartje Schicht-Tinbergen and Heli Ihm Pro Igel e.V., Lindau/B. ISBN 978-3-940377-05-0 | EUR 7,50 Russell The Town-Hedgehog By Eckhard Bahr art.Hour, Dresden. ISBN 978-3-940475-05-3 | EUR 12,80 Igel – Stachlige Urtiere By Claudia Knoblach, ill. and Gregor Schöner Benny Blu – Kinderleicht
With game variant for older children from 4/5 years

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Special issues – Pro Igel | Verein für integrierten Naturschutz Deutschland e. V.

In 2009 the German magazine „Igel-Bulletin“ celebrated its twentieth birthday. On the occasion of this anniversary a selection of the most important and relevant articles from these twenty years was compiled on a range of subjects. We have translated the list of subjects and titles but all the articles are published in the original German. A
and rat poison The danger of poisoning hedgehogs with

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