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About us – Pro Igel | Verein für integrierten Naturschutz Deutschland e. V.

Pro Igel, the Association for Integrated Nature Conservation in Germany is a nationwide association active throughout Germany which advocates conservation of the native hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus Linné 1758) by public relations and numerous publications. Aims an Objectives We aim to … inform the
staff and students and anyone interested in hedgehogs with

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Hedgehog houses – Pro Igel | Verein für integrierten Naturschutz Deutschland e. V.

Gardens have become very important habitat for hedgehogs. Natural garden design and management are the best prerequisites to ensure that hedgehogs will settle in. You can easily make shelters for hedgehogs. Nest boxes of different types can be provided as extra enticement for prickly visitors.
Cover the roof with felt, wrapping it over the edges

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Rearing – Pro Igel | Verein für integrierten Naturschutz Deutschland e. V.

It would be impossible for an inexperienced person to rear orphaned suckling hoglets without guidance! Correct nutrition is crucial when rearing orphaned mammals. You must know the composition of the mother’s milk to be able to choose a suitable milk replacement formula. Cow’s milk (even diluted) and all human baby food (even therapeutic
Wrap a hot water bottle filled with hand-hot water

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Map of rescue centres – Pro Igel | Verein für integrierten Naturschutz Deutschland e. V.

We offer you a selection of registered associations, groups and private hedgehog rescue centres in Germany which are involved in hedgehog rescue. Private information are only mapped on the basis of the current data protection regulations (EU-DSGVO) after legally binding, written consent from those responsible. Click on the symbol and a box on the map
hedgehog finders seeking advice also research or enquire with

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