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Was die Plastik-Strategie der EU bewirken kann/ What the EU plastics strategy can achieve [deu/eng] |

Wie wirksam sind die Maßnahmen der EU für weniger Plastikkonsum? Diese Frage beantwortet Piotr Barczak vom European Environmental Bureau (EEB)./ How effective are the EU’s attempts to reduce plastics consumption? This question is answered by Piotr Barczak and Élise Vitali of the European Environmental Bureau (EEB).
ways to raise recycling rates and options to deal with

Digitales Forum „A global policy agenda to keep textiles in use – understanding the role of new policy instruments for a circular textiles system” |

We will present successful initiatives aimed at extending the life of textiles and slowing down consumption, while taking a look at both legal measures and voluntary corporate initiatives. The Digital Forum is part of the Oeko-Institut’s Science Forum 2024 „Circular Economy – What’s next?”. Further information for the individual events can be found at You can take part in the digital forum via the following link:
MacArthur Foundation Fast fashion is in direct conflict with