Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: with

For a better protection of human health and the environment: The Lead Recycling Africa Project |

In many African countries lead acid car batteries are being recycled without any kind of protective measures. As a result, the workers and local residents are often exposed to high lead levels, which can cause serious health problems and in some cases result in death.
Cooperation with African partners “It is important

CO2 emission standards for cars and vans: the difficult switch from one test procedure (NEDC) to another (WLTP) |

The update of the CO2 emission standards for cars and vans for the post-2020 period is currently being negotiated. Peter Kasten discusses the switch from a NEDC to a WLTP based regulation scheme and how it could affect the effective real-world emission reduction.
of real-world gap issues similar to the situation with

Die weltweite Suche nach atomaren Endlagerstandorten #AufEndlagersuche [deu/eng] |

Dr. Allison Macfarlane ist eine der wichtigsten Nuklearexpertinnen der USA. Im Interview spricht sie über den Stand der weltweiten Endlagersuche, Faktoren für eine gelingende Standortfestlegung und den Stand der Endlagerthematik in ihrem Heimatland.
In her interview with eco@work she talks about the