Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: natur wissenschaft

Plug-in hybrid electric cars: Market development, technical analysis and CO₂ emission scenarios for Germany |

This study examines the deviation of real-world CO₂ emissions of plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEVs) from type-approval values, the driving factors of these deviations, and implications for achieving the German climate protection targets for transport by 2030. Following a comprehensive market analysis, the energy consumption for typical vehicle configurations under various conditions is calculated using a vehicle simulation model. Using the model results, the expected real-world tailpipe emissions for the PHEV fleet up to the year 2030 are determined.
the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature

Auswirkungen der energetischen Nutzung forstlicher Biomasse in Deutschland auf deutsche und internationale LULUCF-Senken (BioSINK) |

Um die Auswirkungen der Energieholznutzung auf die Kohlenstoffsenkenleistung des Waldes in Deutschland zu untersuchen, wurden mit dem Holzverwendungsmodell TRAW, dem Waldmodell FABio-Forest und der Treibhausgasbilanzierung für Energieholz mit dem Modell HoLCA ein Referenzszenario und drei Holzenergieszenarien berechnet. In einer Literaturstudie zur Kohlenstoffspeicherung im Wald in Abhängigkeit zur Holzentnahme wurden auch Auswirkungen auf Wälder in anderen Ländern betrachtet.
Researcher Energie & Klimaschutz Anke Benndorf Wissenschaftliche

Plug-in hybrid electric cars: Market development, technical analysis and CO₂ emission scenarios for Germany |

This study examines the deviation of real-world CO₂ emissions of plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEVs) from type-approval values, the driving factors of these deviations, and implications for achieving the German climate protection targets for transport by 2030. Following a comprehensive market analysis, the energy consumption for typical vehicle configurations under various conditions is calculated using a vehicle simulation model. Using the model results, the expected real-world tailpipe emissions for the PHEV fleet up to the year 2030 are determined.
the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature