Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: have

Aktueller Stand der Emissionen in Deutschland – Mai 2020 |

Wie in den Jahren zuvor, wird hier ein aktueller Überblick über den Stand der Entwicklung der Treibhausgasemissionen in Deutschland gegeben. Dabei werden die aktuell verfügbaren Daten verwendet, auch solche, die zum Teil noch vorläufigen Charakter haben. Insbesondere wird hier eine Abschätzung der Emissionsentwicklung des Jahres 2019 verwendet: Sie basiert auf einer Frühschätzung des UBA (UBA 2020) sowie auf ETS-Daten mit Stand Anfang Mai 2020 (DG Clima 2020).
Over the past year, global temperatures have consistently

Aktuelle Potenziale der Produktion von PtX-Kraftstoffen auf Basis von zusätzlich integrierten Erneuerbaren Energien |

In diesem Arbeitspapier wird abgeschätzt, inwiefern strombasierte Kraftstoffe im Zeitraum bis 2030 unter Verwendung von Überschussstrom aus erneuerbaren Energien erzeugt werden können. Hierzu werden relevante Standorte und herstellbare Kraftstoffmengen bewertet und die Wirtschaftlichkeit der Anlagen grob bewertet.
Over the past year, global temperatures have consistently

A rating of Designated Operational Entities (DOEs) Accredited under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) – Summary |

Designated Operational Entities (DOEs) are accredited independent entities responsible for ensuring that proposed projects under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) meet all requirements established by the CDM Executive Board operating under the Kyoto Protocol. This rating of DOEs, developed by WWF and Öko-Institut, aims to provide transparent information to the market with regards to how well DOEs are fulfilling the requirements and expectations of the CDM Executive Board.
Over the past year, global temperatures have consistently

A rating of Designated Operational Entities (DOEs) Accredited under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) |

Designated Operational Entities (DOEs) are accredited independent entities responsible for ensuring that proposed projects under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) meet all requirements established by the CDM Executive Board operating under the Kyoto Protocol. This rating of DOEs, developed by WWF and Öko-Institut, aims to provide transparent information to the market with regards to how well DOEs are fulfilling the requirements and expectations of the CDM Executive Board.
Over the past year, global temperatures have consistently

Addressing equity in the Global Stocktake |

The principle of equity plays an important role in the Global Stocktake under the Paris Agreement. This paper discusses several concepts of equity, namely the concepts of responsibility, capabilities, egalitarianism and sufficientarianism. The application of one concept only may not be sufficient to ensure equitable and ambitious climate action. In all areas of climate action it is important to take into account individual capabilities and opportunities and to increase them. Support plays a critical role in enhancing and facilitating the use of available capabilities.
Over the past year, global temperatures have consistently