As a key element of its strategy to increase energy efficiency and renewable energies in buildings, Germany has recently revised its building energy act. The revision of the law has received unprecedented media attention and has dominated the energy policy discourse in 2023 in Germany and beyond. Driven by the German tabloid “BILD”, a campaign making use of populist discourses and misinformation has filled the front pages of German newspapers. The high media reception of the so-called “heating hammer” has strongly impacted not only the provisions of the law itself but has also caused considerable damage to future energy efficiency policy developments, leading to a withdrawal of a previously announced tightening of energy efficiency standards as well as the watering down of Germany´s position in the trilogue negotiations on the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive. Given the relevance of the process and the discourse for current and future policy developments, our paper provides an analysis of the differ
German Buildings Energy Act and discuss how these have