Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Model

Model-based evaluation of decentralised electricity markets at different phases of

This paper investigates small-scale decentralised markets in the German electricity system. In our case decentralised markets are defined as regions in which regional electricity demand is met primarily by regional generators. The research question is twofold. Firstly, how does the size of decentralised markets have an impact on indicators like CO2 emissions, variable costs or transmission grid extension. Secondly, which effects on these indicators can be observed if only power plants of a certain size or technology are allowed to take part in the decentralised markets.
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Introducing the Open Energy Ontology: Enhancing Data Interpretation and Interfacing in Energy Systems Analysis |

Hence, it is hard to re-use results, compare model results or couple models at all – Second, computational model coupling becomes much easier.
Hence, it is hard to re-use results, compare model results or couple models at all

Assessment of the planned compensation payments for decommissioning German lignite power plants in the context of current developments |

analysis of a proposal for a rule-based (and generously designed) compensation model – German lignite-fired power plants must be regarded as a significantly misguided model
analysis of a proposal for a rule-based (and generously designed) compensation model