Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Förster

How to end energy poverty? Scrutiny of current EU and Member States instruments |

Policymaking to alleviate energy poverty needs to find a balance between short-term remedies and the resolution of long-term drivers of energy poverty. EU policy might need to work towards a) finding a definition of energy poverty; b) supporting national policies financially through EU coordination; and c) setting minimum standards for energy efficiency of buildings and devices. This document was provided by Policy Department A at the request of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE)
Hannah Förster Gruppenleiterin Mitigation & Ökonomie

Guidance document for ex-post evaluation of climate policies in Effort Sharing sectors |

This  guidance provides  support  to  European  Member States  to further  enhance  systematic  ex-post evaluation of Effort Sharing related policies. The Effort Sharing legislation establishes binding annual greenhouse  gas  emission  (GHG)  targets  for  Member  States  for  the  periods  2013-2020  and 2021-2030.  These targets  concern  emissions  from  most  sectors  not  included  in  the  EU  Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), such as transport, buildings, agriculture and waste. The national targets will collectively deliver a reduction of around 10% in total EU emissions from the sectors covered by 2020 and of 30% by 2030, compared with 2005 levels. Together with a 21% cut in emissions covered by the EU ETS by 2020 and 43% by 2030, this will allow the EU to achieve its climate targets for 2020 and 2030.This  guidance  covers  reporting  of  evaluation  results  as  well  as  the  learning  of  lessons  from ex-post evaluations for the design of future policies from Member States.
Hannah Förster Gruppenleiterin Mitigation & Ökonomie

The Challenges of Assessing “Collective Progress” |

The Paris Agreement combines collective goals with individual countries’ contributions. This hybrid approach does not guarantee that the individual contributions add up to what is required to meet the collective goals. The Paris Agreement therefore established the Global Stocktake. Its task is to “assess collective progress” towards achieving the long-term goals of the agreement as of 2023 and every five years thereafter. Corresponding to this role, this report addresses three questions: What should an effective Global Stocktake look like? What information and data are needed? Is it possible to execute an effective Global Stocktake within the mandate of the Paris Agreement? The corresponding executive summary can be downloaded here
Hannah Förster Gruppenleiterin Mitigation & Ökonomie

Tackling the Challenges of Assessing Collective Progress for an Effective Global Stocktake |

The Paris Agreement combines collective goals with individual countries’ contributions. This hybrid approach does not guarantee that the individual contributions add up to what is required to meet the collective goals. The Paris Agreement therefore established the Global Stocktake. Its task is to “assess collective progress” towards achieving the long-term goals of the agreement as of 2023 and every five years thereafter. Corresponding to this role, this paper addresses three questions: What should an effective Global Stocktake look like? What information and data are needed? Is it possible to execute an effective Global Stocktake within the mandate of the Paris Agreement? The corresponding final report can be downloaded here
Hannah Förster Gruppenleiterin Mitigation & Ökonomie

Verteilungswirkungen eines fortschreitenden Klimawandels |

Die Studie untersucht Verteilungswirkungen des Klimawandels. Die derzeitig implementierten Klimaschutzmaßnahmen reichen nicht aus, um das in Paris verein­barte 1,5°C-Ziel zu erreichen. Die zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel notwendigen Maßnahmen würden Verteilungswirkungen erzeugen, die gerade vulnerable Gruppen belasten. Im Rahmen dieser Studie werden daher die Folgen des Klimawandels in den Bedürfnisfeldern Wohnen, Ernährung und Landwirtschaft, Verkehr und Mobilität sowie Gesundheit untersucht. Es wird hergeleitet, dass auch der voranschreitende Klimawandel Verteilungseffekte aufweist und das Unterlassen von Klimaschutzmaßnahmen aus verteilungspolitischer Sicht keine sinnvolle Option ist.
Hannah Förster Gruppenleiterin Mitigation & Ökonomie

Verteilungswirkungen eines fortschreitenden Klimawandels |

Die Studie untersucht Verteilungswirkungen des Klimawandels. Die derzeitig implementierten Klimaschutzmaßnahmen reichen nicht aus, um das in Paris verein­barte 1,5°C-Ziel zu erreichen. Die zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel notwendigen Maßnahmen würden Verteilungswirkungen erzeugen, die gerade vulnerable Gruppen belasten. Im Rahmen dieser Studie werden daher die Folgen des Klimawandels in den Bedürfnisfeldern Wohnen, Ernährung und Landwirtschaft, Verkehr und Mobilität sowie Gesundheit untersucht. Es wird hergeleitet, dass auch der voranschreitende Klimawandel Verteilungseffekte aufweist und das Unterlassen von Klimaschutzmaßnahmen aus verteilungspolitischer Sicht keine sinnvolle Option ist.
Hannah Förster Gruppenleiterin Mitigation & Ökonomie