Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Förster

Strategies and Costs for Transforming the European Energy System |

The Energy Modeling Forum 28 (EMF28) study systematically explores the energy system transition required to meet the European goal of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 80% by 2050. The 80% scenario is compared to a reference case that aims to achieve a 40% GHG reduction target. The paper investigates mitigation strategies beyond 2020 and the interplay between different decarbonization options. The models present different technology pathways for the decarbonization of Europe, but a common finding across the scenarios and models is the prominent role of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. In particular, wind power and bioenergy increase considerably beyond current deployment levels. Up to 2030, the transformation strategies are similar across all models and for both levels of emission reduction. However, mitigation becomes more challenging after 2040. With some exceptions, our analysis agrees with the main findings of the „Energy Roadmap 2050“ presented by the European Commission. Published in Climate Change Economics, Volume 04, Issue supp01, November 2013 by World Scientific Publishing Co.
Hannah Förster Gruppenleiterin Mitigation & Ökonomie

Renewable energy in Europe – approximated recent growth and knock-on effects |

This report introduces several methods the European Environment Agency (EEA) has developed for assessing and communicating early RES growth and the important knock-on effects that RES growth has on the energy sector and related areas. The report provides specific information at EU and country level on estimated RES progress in 2013, estimated gross avoided carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and avoided fossil fuel use due to the additional use of renewable energy since 2005, as well as an assessment of the statistical impacts of growing RES use on primary energy consumption.
Hannah Förster Gruppenleiterin Mitigation & Ökonomie

Rahmenbedingungen für ein Nationales System Klimaberichterstattung |

Die Studie analysiert die nationalen Berichterstattungspflichten unter der Klimarahmenkonvention (UNFCCC) sowie inhaltlich parallele nationale Berichtspflichten unter der EU Governance-VO, um daraus Schlussfolgerungen für mögliche nationale institutionelle Vereinbarungen zu einem „Nationalen System Klimaberichterstattung“ zu ziehen. Hintergrund ist die Idee, analog zum etablierten „Nationalen System Emissionsberichterstattung“ auch über die Treibhausgasinventare hinausgehende Klima-Berichterstattungspflichten in Deutschland institutionell zu verankern. Für die Adressierung stehen im Wesentlichen zwei institutionelle Optionen im Raum, die in der Studie erörtert werden: Niedrigschwellig eine informelle Abstimmung zwischen den jeweils beteiligten Ressorts entlang der Strukturen der Emissionsberichterstattung oder formalisierter z. B. im Rahmen einer Staatssekretärsvereinbarung oder über eine Verankerung im gesetzlichen Regelwerk.
Hannah Förster Gruppenleiterin Mitigation & Ökonomie

Quality assurance and quality control procedure for national and Union GHG projections 2015 |

The quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) procedure is an element of the QA/QC programme of the Union system for policies and measures and projections to be established in 2015 according to Article 12 of the MMR. The European Environment Agency (EEA) is responsible for the annual implementation of the QA/QC procedures and is assisted by the European Topic Centre for air pollution and climate change mitigation (ETC/ACM). The QA/QC procedure document describes QA/QC checks carried out at EU level on the national reported projections from Member States and on the compiled Union GHG projections. QA/QC procedures are performed at several different stages during the preparation of the national and Union GHG projections in order to aim to ensure the timeliness, transparency, accuracy, consistency, comparability and completeness of the reported information.
Hannah Förster Gruppenleiterin Mitigation & Ökonomie

EEA Report No 17/2017 |

The 2017 edition of the annual European Environment Agency (EEA) report, Trends and projections in Europe, provides an updated assessment of the progress of the European Union (EU) and European countries towards their climate mitigation and energy targets. The report is based mainly on national data on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, renewable energy and energy consumption for 2015, preliminary (‚approximated‘ or ‚proxy‘) data for 2016 and projections reported by Member States concerning expected trends in GHG emissions until 2035. The report was prepared on behalf of the European Environment Agency, as partner of the European Topic Centre on Air Pollution and Climate change Mitigation.
Hannah Förster Gruppenleiterin Mitigation & Ökonomie

Bio-electricity and land use in the Future Agricultural Resources Model (FARM) |

Bio-electricity is an important technology for Energy Modeling Forum (EMF-27) mitigation scenarios, especially with the possibility of negative carbon dioxide emissions when combined with carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS). With a strong economic foundation, and broad coverage of economic activity, computable general equilibrium models have proven useful for analysis of alternative climate change policies. However, embedding energy technologies in a general equilibrium model is a challenge, especially for a negative emissions technology with joint products of electricity and carbon dioxide storage. We provide a careful implementation of bio-electricity with CCS in a general equilibrium context, and apply it to selected EMF-27 mitigation scenarios through 2100. Representing bio-electricity and its land requirements requires consideration of competing land uses, including crops, pasture, and forests. Land requirements for bio-electricity start at 200 kilohectares per terawatt-hour declining to approximately 70 kilohectares per terwatt-hour by year 2100 in scenarios with high bioenergy potential. Published in Climatic Change, pp.1–12 by Springer Netherlands
Hannah Förster Gruppenleiterin Mitigation & Ökonomie

U.S. CO2 Mitigation in a Global Context: Welfare, Trade and Land Use |

We describe carbon dioxide mitigation scenarios specified by the Energy Modeling Forum study (EMF-24) „U.S. Technology Transitions under Alternative Climate Policies,“ using a global computable general equilibrium model that simulates world energy and agricultural systems through 2050. One set of scenarios covers variation across five major technology groups: end-use technology, carbon dioxide capture and storage, nuclear electricity generation, wind and solar power, and bioenergy. Other scenarios cover variation across policies. Policies such as a renewable portfolio standard for electricity generation or a clean electricity standard have the potential for significant emissions reductions, but at a greater cost than a cap-and-trade scenario with the same reduction in emissions. Cap-andtrade scenarios resulted in carbon dioxide leakage rates of 11 to 20 percent depending on the stringency of the targets. Oil-exporting regions without a mitigation policy may still have significant welfare losses when other world regions reduce emissions. Keywords: Carbon dioxide, Climate policy, Carbon leakage, Land use, Bioenergy Published in: „The Energy Journal“ Vol. 34 (1) (Special issue on U.S. Technology Transitions under Alternative Climate Policies)
Hannah Förster Gruppenleiterin Mitigation & Ökonomie

Klimaverträglich leben im Jahr 2050 |

Seit mehr als 20 Jahren erstellt das Öko-Institut Szenarien für ein klimaverträgliches Leben in Deutschland. Nachfolgend stellen wir die Ergebnisse der Modellierungen der Studie „Klimaschutzszenario 2050“ einmal anders dar: Fünf Infografiken zeigen mögliche Wege für ein klimaverträgliches Leben. Wenn wir diese Wege gehen, kann Deutschland sein Klimaschutzziel erreichen und 95 Prozent seiner Treibhausgasemissionen im Vergleich zum Jahr 1990 verringern. Die Grafiken veranschaulichen, wie unser Alltag und unsere Gesellschaft im Jahr 2050 aussehen könnten und laden zum Nachdenken über klimaverträgliches Leben in den Bereichen Wohnen, Mobilität, Ernährung und Energie ein.
Hannah Förster Gruppenleiterin Mitigation & Ökonomie

The Challenges of Assessing “Collective Progress” |

The Paris Agreement combines collective goals with individual countries’ contributions. This hybrid approach does not guarantee that the individual contributions add up to what is required to meet the collective goals. The Paris Agreement therefore established the Global Stocktake. Its task is to “assess collective progress” towards achieving the long-term goals of the agreement as of 2023 and every five years thereafter. Corresponding to this role, this report addresses three questions: What should an effective Global Stocktake look like? What information and data are needed? Is it possible to execute an effective Global Stocktake within the mandate of the Paris Agreement? The corresponding executive summary can be downloaded here
Hannah Förster Gruppenleiterin Mitigation & Ökonomie