Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: mond

With fascism on the doorstep: The Nobel Institution in Norway, 1940-1945 –

by Øyvind Tønnesson Peace Editor, 1998-2000 During the Second World War no Nobel Peace Prize was awarded. Under the German occupation of Norway from 1940 to 1945 normal political activity was banned, and there was little the Nobel Committee of the Norwegian Storting could do except postpone the prize awards and defend its integrity. […]
victoire sur la maladie que représentait, pour le monde

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Alfred Nobel’s Private Library – Danish Fiction –

  Humanities Danish Fiction Name First name Title, subtitle etc. Place of publ. Year Publisher Andersen Hans Christian Eventyr og historier. Bd 1-2. Kbhvn 1862- 63 Reitzels forlag Andersen Hans Christian Nye Eventyr og historier. Bd 1-2. Kbhvn 1870 – 71 Reitzels forlag Bang Herman Faedra. Brudstykker af et livs historie. Kbhvn 1883 J. H. […]
Guide des gens du monde dans toutes les circonstances

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With fascism on the doorstep: The Nobel Institution in Norway, 1940-1945 –

by Øyvind Tønnesson Peace Editor, 1998-2000 During the Second World War no Nobel Peace Prize was awarded. Under the German occupation of Norway from 1940 to 1945 normal political activity was banned, and there was little the Nobel Committee of the Norwegian Storting could do except postpone the prize awards and defend its integrity. […]
victoire sur la maladie que représentait, pour le monde

  • Wissen
  • International
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