Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: tar

Bioeconomy/ Fossil fuels

The changing climate necessitates saying farewell to oil and coal. But our society, and especially our ideals of freedom and prosperity, are heavily dependent on the use of fossil fuels. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin are investigating just how strong this dependency is and how we can free ourselves from it.
illuminating factories, homes and streets, and coal tar

phy­lo­F­lash: Neue Soft­ware er­laubt die schnel­le und un­kom­pli­zier­te Ana­ly­se von Um­welt­mi­kro­ben

PhyloFlash – Eine neue Software, entwickelt von Forschenden des MPI für Marine Mikrobiologie, erlaubt die schnelle und unkomplizierte Analyse von Umweltmikroben.
phy­lo­F­lash: ra­pid small-sub­u­nit rRNA pro­filing and tar­ge­ted