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Social status beats money | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

People are more honest when talking about topics involving high-status knowledge. A new study in behavioral economics shows that this is true even if they have a financial incentive to lie. As expertise about increasingly complex technologies becomes more difficult to verify, questions of trust are getting more and more important.
revealed: Only 32 percent correct recommendations were sent

„Forgive your worst enemy“ | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Eva Mozes Kor, one of the last Auschwitz survivors and victims of medical human experiments, died on 4 July 2019. She dedicated her life to campaigning for Holocaust remembrance and reconciliation – also with the Max Planck Society, which, as the Kaiser Wilhelm Society’s successor, accepted the difficult legacy of its predecessor organziation, burdened by unethical research.
He also sent blood samples and preparations of killed

Made in Germany and big in Japan | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

The innermost pixel vertex detector (PXD) has now been installed in the Belle II experiment. The instrument is located in the immediate vicinity of the interaction point where electrons and positrons collide. This produces B mesons. The decays of these particles could explain why there is matter in the universe but hardly any antimatter. The PXD is based on a special technology that allows the particle decays to be precisely traced.
successful test phase, the newly assembled detector was sent