Scientific Publications – Bibliotheca Hertziana – MPI for Art History | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
Scientific Publications
Archivio Storico per le Province Napoletane 141, pp
Scientific Publications
Archivio Storico per le Province Napoletane 141, pp
Province, Aldi Kraja, Laura A.
Biologists in Tübingen name a newly discovered threadworm after physicist Max Planck.
collected a stag beetle from an oak forest in Fukushima province
Natural CO2 seeps show what could happen to coral reefs in a world of increasing greenhouse gas emissions.
scientists studied three natural CO2 seeps in Milne Bay Province
New insights into the diet of our species‘ earliest member in the tropical rainforest of Southeast Asia
animal and human teeth from two sites in the Huà Pan Province
Analysis of the fossilized dental plaque of a Medieval woman reveals lapis lazuli, suggesting she was an accomplished painter of illuminated manuscripts.
Ages, literacy and written texts were largely the province
The first galaxies evolved only a few hundred million years after the Big Bang. But why do they have such a great variety of shapes and structures? How did the universe evolve as a whole? Two German-Chinese Partner Groups at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Garching are using observations and simulations to investigate how the early universe evolved: Cheng Li and Guinevere Kauffmann, as well as Liang Gao and Simon White.
Spherical Telescope, is currently being built in Guizhou Province
Although Gabriele Alex and Vibha Joshi belong to different departments at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity in Göttingen, both scientists are studying the wide range of healing methods used and traditions followed in Indian society. Here they show from different perspectives how the supposed contradictions aren’t really all that incompatible in practice.
the inhabitants of India’s most southerly federal province
4,000 years ago, European women travelled far from their home villages to start their families, bringing with them new cultural objects and ideas
Protohistoric Archaeology and Archaeology of the Roman Provinces
The violent conflict in Afghanistan has been escalating since 2005, making the process of reconstruction that much harder. To bring stability to the country, the focus must be on strengthening the state and facilitating the rule of law.
happen, mainly in Afghanistan’s southern and eastern provinces