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International death counts show peaks of the pandemic | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Weekly death countscan be used to calculate how many more people are currently dying during the Covid-19 pandemic than would be expected according to trends in recent years. Internationally, there are clear differences: While in England the death counts in March and April were almost twice as high as in the previous five years, and in Sweden significantly more people died than in the comparable months of the previous years, the increase in Germany is moderate. However, all three countries seem to be past the peak of the curve.
Administrative Headquarters Central facilities Central Gender

International death counts show peaks of the pandemic | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Weekly death countscan be used to calculate how many more people are currently dying during the Covid-19 pandemic than would be expected according to trends in recent years. Internationally, there are clear differences: While in England the death counts in March and April were almost twice as high as in the previous five years, and in Sweden significantly more people died than in the comparable months of the previous years, the increase in Germany is moderate. However, all three countries seem to be past the peak of the curve.
Administrative Headquarters Central facilities Central Gender

Maschinengestützter Unterricht zum Lösen offener Aufgaben | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Programmierfähigkeiten zu vermitteln, spielt im modernen MINT-Unterricht eine zunehmend wichtige Rolle. Am MPI für Softwaresysteme entwickeln wir auf künstliche Intelligenz (KI) gestützte Tutoriumsysteme, die die Schülerinnen und Schüler ihren individuellen Fähigkeiten entsprechend dabei virtuell unterstützen.
Administrative Headquarters Central facilities Central Gender

Stringtheorie 2.0 | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Die Stringtheorie verbindet zwei unvereinbare Konzepte: Die Quantenphysik beschreibt das Verhalten von subatomaren Elementarteilchen und ihren Austauschkräften – übersichtlich sortiert auf den Regalbrettern des Standardmodells der Teilchenphysik. Die Gravitationstheorie erklärt die Raumzeit im Universum mit seinen unermesslichen Entfernungen. Das Problem: Sie lässt sich nicht quantenphysikalisch beschreiben und in das Standardmodell der Teilchenphysik integrieren.
Administrative Headquarters Central facilities Central Gender