Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: gender

Verfahren der internationalen Gerichte und Tribunale | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Im Rahmen dieses Projekts wurden die zwischenstaatlichen Streitverfahren der internationalen Gerichte und Tribunale analysiert und Lösungen vorgeschlagen, um deren Wirksamkeit, Effizienz und Verfahrensgerechtigkeit zu verbessern und die Entwicklung des internationalen Rechtssystems zu fördern.
Administrative Headquarters Central facilities Central Gender

Doctoral Candidate (m/f/d)  | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

The research fellow will conduct legal research (contribution to common research projects and own publications), particularly in the field of public international law with particular emphasis on global animal law or international law and emotions. Candidates are expected to write a dissertation (PhD thesis) in one of the aforementioned fields of research. Candidates must be able to fulfil the requirements for enrolment at the law school of Heidelberg or the law department of the Freie University (Berlin) or the law school of Basel and are themselves responsible for securing those. Teaching at the law faculty of the University of Heidelberg (mainly in German language) can possibly be arranged in consultation with the faculty.
Administrative Headquarters Central facilities Central Gender

Postdoc Position for 3 years (m/f/d) | Heart-Brain Interactions | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

The Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig (MPI CBS) is an internationally recognized research institute of the Max Planck Society and is dedicated to the study of human cognitive abilities and brain processes. The Department of Neurology offers a Postdoc position for 3 years (m/f/d) „Heart-Brain Interactions“.
Administrative Headquarters Central facilities Central Gender

MaxPlanckResearch 2/2013: Neurobiology | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

The cosmos of the brain is in a constant state of change. Useless connections are cut and new ones are formed to keep the brain flexible and adapt to the constantly changing requirements. Scientists use sophisticated techniques to visualize the brain’s circuit diagrams. Diffusion tensor imaging, for instance, shows the complex patterns of nerve fibers.
Administrative Headquarters Central facilities Central Gender