Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: falten

Kunstgeschichte und Katastrophen. Ein Projekt angesichts der Erdbeben in Italien 2009, 2012 und 2016 | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Nach den Erdbeben von L’Aquila (2009), der Emilia (2012) und in Mittelitalien (2016/2017) engagiert sich das Kunsthistorische Institut in Florenz MPI in Kooperationsprojekten, die sich mit der Geschichte und Gegenwart von Katastrophen und den Konsequenzen für Kulturerbe und Landschaft auf der italienischen Halbinsel befassen.
Anthropozäns Luftverschmutzung macht Blütenduft für Falter

Resilience of societies | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

In a crisis, the future seems intangible and difficult to grasp. Yet for social science research, perceptions of the future are an important part of understanding crises. As the current coronavirus pandemic and before it the 2007 financial crisis or the Brexit vote show, to overcome a crisis, sociopolitical and economic visions for the future are needed just as urgently as vaccines or emergency assistance from the state.
however, the “engine of capitalism” can start to falter

Resilience of societies | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

In a crisis, the future seems intangible and difficult to grasp. Yet for social science research, perceptions of the future are an important part of understanding crises. As the current coronavirus pandemic and before it the 2007 financial crisis or the Brexit vote show, to overcome a crisis, sociopolitical and economic visions for the future are needed just as urgently as vaccines or emergency assistance from the state.
however, the “engine of capitalism” can start to falter