Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: elsen

Menschen nutzten nördliche Migrationsrouten auf dem Weg nach Ostasien | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Auf welchen Wegen der moderne Mensch von Afrika nach Asien gelangt ist, gehört zu den ungelösten Rätseln der menschlichen Frühgeschichte. Eine neue Studie eines internationalen Forschungsteams argumentiert nun, dass der Mensch unter feuchteren klimatischen Bedingungen in der Vergangenheit durchaus die Wüste Gobi oder andere extreme Lebensräume in Zentralasien durchquert haben könnte.
Die Sanddünen von Mongol Els ragen aus der mongolischen

MaxPlanckResearch 3/2011 – Focus: Electronics of the future | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

In the future, will we transport computer chips on banknotes, roll up our monitors before putting them into our pockets, and store and access ever larger volumes of data on our PCs in a very fast and easy manner?  Max Planck researchers are working on „organic electronics“ and nano storage units in order to ensure that such scenarios eventually become part of our everyday lives.
Acid Bath Life is more abundant here than anywhere else

MaxPlanckResearch 1/2021: Living with Extremes | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Our planet provides a comfortable home for life. But in some places and at some times, it is quite uncomfortable on Earth: heat or cold, heavy precipitation or absolute drought, strong winds, lightning, volcanic eruptions or earthquakes threaten the existence of many living beings. The only chance is to adapt as well as possible to these inhospitable conditions and to live with them. How do plants cope with drought? Can extreme weather events be predicted? And what role do natural disasters play in art and culture? The articles in this issue’s „Focus“ provide answers.
After all, it is enough if everyone else is following