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The Max Planck – University of Toronto Centre for Neural Science and Technology is now open | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Better therapies for diseases such as dementia or Parkinson’s as well as more powerful computers and new artificial intelligence methods – these are the goals that will be pursued by scientists at the Max Planck-University of Toronto-Centre for Neural Science and Technology. The centre was officially opened on 14 April 2021 in a virtual event with Martin Stratmann, President of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Meric Gertler, President of the University of Toronto, Sabine Sparwasser, German Ambassador to Canada, and Stéphan Dion, Canadian Ambassador to Germany. Further information Website

Extreme weather events fuel climate change | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

When the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere rises, the Earth not only heats up, but extreme weather events, such as lengthy droughts, heat waves, heavy rain and violent storms, may become more frequent. Whether these extreme climate events result in the release of more CO2 from terrestrial ecosystems and thus reinforce climate change has been one of the major unanswered questions in climate research. It has now been addressed by an international team of researchers working with Markus Reichstein, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry in Jena.
more Further links Website of CARBO Extreme Project

Global breathing | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

The corona pandemic is changing the way we look at the world. When we observe how individuals or various societies behave in the crisis, astonishing similarities and differences suddenly emerge. In his essay, Peter van der Veer of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity compares how people in Asia and the West deal with face masks, toilet paper and the fear of death.
Global Breathing“, published on 24 April 2020 on the website

Das Verhalten von verteilten Cloudanwendungen rückverfolgen | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Probleme in verteilten Computersystemen zu diagnostizieren stellt eine Herausforderung dar, weil die Symptome weit von den eigentlichen Wurzelursachen entfernt auftauchen können. Verteilte Ablaufverfolgungswerkzeuge fügen aus einzelnen Stücken ein Bild dessen zusammen, was während des Betriebs passiert ist und können helfen, auftretende Probleme zu lokalisieren und zu diagnostizieren.
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Rainforest geckos use their tails to recover from crash-landings | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Geckos’ impressive climbing abilities give them agility rarely surpassed in nature. With their highly specialized adhesive lamellae on their feet, geckos can climb up smooth vertical surfaces with ease and even move on a ceiling hanging upside down. Their ability to run on water is another superpower. Now another can be added.
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