Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Ukraine

75 Years Max Planck Society | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

A number of prominent guests are expected to attend the official ceremony on February 26, 2023. Former Federal President Joachim Gauck, a Senator of the Max Planck Society, will deliver the opening speech. Afterwards, the renowned historian Jürgen Kocka will give a lecture on „Harnack’s late heirs: the Metamorphoses of the Max Planck Society since 1948”. In his presentation, he will discuss the eventful history of the MPG, which, however, cannot be considered without that of its predecessor organisation, the Kaiser Wilhelm Society (KWG).
current crises – the pandemic, the Russian attack on Ukraine

Nächste Stelle Osteuropa? | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Für Fachkräfte sind osteuropäische Staaten bislang nur wenig attraktiv. Das ergab eine Studie von Forschenden des Max-Planck-Instituts für demografische Forschung in Rostock gemeinsam mit einer niederländischen Kollegin. Wie ihre Auswertung von Linkedin-Daten ergab, suchen eher wenige Berufstätige aus nord-, süd- und westeuropäischen Ländern eine Stelle in Osteuropa. Doch die Attraktivität der Region könnte sich in den kommenden Jahren ändern.
erhoben, also vor dem russischen Einmarsch in der Ukraine

MaxPlanckResearch 1/2022: Under Pressure | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

“Pressure” is a word with many meanings. The first thing that may come to most people’s minds is the stress we encounter in our day-to-day lives. Max Planck researchers are investigating the genetic factors that influence human stress responses and the consequences stress can have on the body even before birth. But there is also pressure in the physical sense, where it has a positive effect and is indispensable for many processes. Pressure controls the constant remodelling of bones, for example, or helps to break down the electrical resistance of materials – at temperatures that are almost feasible. All these topics are the focus of the new issue.
unexpected future for oil and gas The crisis in Ukraine

75 Years Max Planck Society | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

A number of prominent guests are expected to attend the official ceremony on February 26, 2023. Former Federal President Joachim Gauck, a Senator of the Max Planck Society, will deliver the opening speech. Afterwards, the renowned historian Jürgen Kocka will give a lecture on „Harnack’s late heirs: the Metamorphoses of the Max Planck Society since 1948”. In his presentation, he will discuss the eventful history of the MPG, which, however, cannot be considered without that of its predecessor organisation, the Kaiser Wilhelm Society (KWG).
current crises – the pandemic, the Russian attack on Ukraine