Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Satellit

Made in Germany and big in Japan

The innermost pixel vertex detector (PXD) has now been installed in the Belle II experiment. The instrument is located in the immediate vicinity of the interaction point where electrons and positrons collide. This produces B mesons. The decays of these particles could explain why there is matter in the universe but hardly any antimatter. The PXD is based on a special technology that allows the particle decays to be precisely traced.
complex and ultrasensitive sensors in the Belle II experiment, which are also used in satellite


Im Sommer 2019 gab es in Brasilien so viele Waldbrände wie kaum jemals zuvor. Welche Konsequenzen die immensen Verluste an Regenwald für das lokale, aber auch das globale Klima haben, ergründet Susan Trumbore, Direktorin am Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie in Jena. Zudem untersucht sie, welche Chancen ein Wald hat, sich von einem Brand zu erholen. Wenn man ihn denn lässt.
Unterschätzte Bedrohungen: Feuer am Waldboden sind für Satelliten unsichtbar, Atto

Chimneys in the Milky Way

Matter and energy flowing from the centre of a galaxy are thought to play a key role in the formation and development of solar systems and other structures in the universe. Now, astronomers led by the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Garching have discovered two wide chimneys of gas in X-ray images. The chimneys connect inner regions of the Milky Way north and south of the galactic plane with structures far further out.
For that reason, we wanted to scan a far larger region using the European X-ray satellite