Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: New York

The Perseid meteor shower | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Under clear skies and from a dark vantage point, stargazers can anticipate a celestial spectacle on the nights of August 12-13, as the Perseid meteor shower makes its annual appearance. At its peak, under optimal conditions, you might see a meteor every two to three minutes. The Perseids, originating from the comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle, have been captivating observers for nearly two millennia, with the earliest recorded sightings dating back to ancient China.
discoverers was Lewis Swift, the son of a farmer from New

The Perseid meteor shower | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Under clear skies and from a dark vantage point, stargazers can anticipate a celestial spectacle on the nights of August 12-13, as the Perseid meteor shower makes its annual appearance. At its peak, under optimal conditions, you might see a meteor every two to three minutes. The Perseids, originating from the comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle, have been captivating observers for nearly two millennia, with the earliest recorded sightings dating back to ancient China.
discoverers was Lewis Swift, the son of a farmer from New

Konrad Lorenz, Nobelpreis für Medizin 1973 | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Diese Ergebnisse von Konrad Lorenz Arbeit zählen zu den frühen Anfängen der vergleichenden Verhaltensforschung: Jungvögel sind auf akustische und optische Reize ihrer Eltern angewiesen, um eine Bindung zu ihnen aufbauen zu können. Tatsächlich kann jedoch auch jedes andere Lebewesen oder Objekt, das solche Reize aussendet, eine Prägung hervorrufen.
Er studierte zunächst Medizin in Wien und New York,

The Perseid meteor shower | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Under clear skies and from a dark vantage point, stargazers can anticipate a celestial spectacle on the nights of August 12-13, as the Perseid meteor shower makes its annual appearance. At its peak, under optimal conditions, you might see a meteor every two to three minutes. The Perseids, originating from the comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle, have been captivating observers for nearly two millennia, with the earliest recorded sightings dating back to ancient China.
discoverers was Lewis Swift, the son of a farmer from New

The Perseid meteor shower | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Under clear skies and from a dark vantage point, stargazers can anticipate a celestial spectacle on the nights of August 12-13, as the Perseid meteor shower makes its annual appearance. At its peak, under optimal conditions, you might see a meteor every two to three minutes. The Perseids, originating from the comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle, have been captivating observers for nearly two millennia, with the earliest recorded sightings dating back to ancient China.
discoverers was Lewis Swift, the son of a farmer from New