Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Jeans

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Short-term thinking, criminal action

People who have short-term mindsets (i.e., impulsivity, sensation-seeking, and low future orientation) are more likely to commit crime. In our research, we consider how adverse environments and experiences affect short-term mindsets. A research team at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law found that harsh and unpredictable environments, victimization, and first-time and early police contact are each associated with more short-term thinking. This can help explain the link between short-term mindsets and later crime in adolescents.
Kübel, Jean-Louis van Gelder / Max Planck Institute

Short-term thinking, criminal action

People who have short-term mindsets (i.e., impulsivity, sensation-seeking, and low future orientation) are more likely to commit crime. In our research, we consider how adverse environments and experiences affect short-term mindsets. A research team at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law found that harsh and unpredictable environments, victimization, and first-time and early police contact are each associated with more short-term thinking. This can help explain the link between short-term mindsets and later crime in adolescents.
Kübel, Jean-Louis van Gelder / Max Planck Institute

Johanna Lukate über Haare und Identität

Wer bin ich? Wer sind die anderen? Und wer glauben die, dass ich bin? Antworten auf diese Fragen suchen wir auch in Äußerlichkeiten und schließen dann vom Aussehen eines Menschen auf dessen Persönlichkeit. Haare und Frisuren spielen bei solchen Zuschreibungen eine besondere Rolle, wie Johanna Lukate in dieser Podcast-Folge von „Ach, Mensch“ erzählt.
2022 © / Max-Planck-Gesellschaft; Foto: Jean