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Visit to Laura Kreidberg

For two years now, the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg has had a new department where researchers study the atmospheres of extrasolar planets. Its young director Laura Kreidberg has made a name for herself with sensational observations and is one of the lucky ones who will be observing with the new James Webb Space Telescope.
Although in Berlin, home office has become standard since the pandemic. 

International death counts show peaks of the pandemic

Weekly death countscan be used to calculate how many more people are currently dying during the Covid-19 pandemic than would be expected according to trends in recent years. Internationally, there are clear differences: While in England the death counts in March and April were almost twice as high as in the previous five years, and in Sweden significantly more people died than in the comparable months of the previous years, the increase in Germany is moderate. However, all three countries seem to be past the peak of the curve.
live alone, lose their jobs, have to sort out childcare needs while working at home

Die Eigenheimidee – Garant für Stabilität oder Krisenmotor?

Bis zur Finanzkrise im Jahr 2007 herrschte in vielen Ländern die politische Idee vor, dass Gesellschaften mit möglichst vielen Hauseigentümern wünschenswert seien. Erst nach der Krise wurde klar, dass die Förderung von mehr Wohneigentum vielerorts eher zu kreditinduzierten Hauspreisblasen und wirtschaftlicher Rezession denn zu einer Verbreiterung der Hauseigentümerbasis im Rahmen einer stabilen Demokratie geführt hat.
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