Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Germanen

Plenty of reasons to celebrate!

On December 6, Nobel Prize Week kicks off in Stockholm, where the Swedish royal family and the institutions responsible for awarding the Nobel Prize come together to honour this year’s Laureates. Among them is Ferenc Krausz, who will receive the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2023. This marks the Max Planck Society’s sixth consecutive prize since 2020 and the 28th Nobel Prize in total since its foundation in the Kaiser Wilhelm Society (KWG). The newly launched comprehensive multimedia website about these Laureates and their research has just been honoured with the prestigious Red Dot design award.
Ferenc Krausz will be the guest of a panel discussion at the residence of the German


The Max Planck Society (MPG) was founded in Göttingen in 1948 with a mandate to foster basic research in its own Institutes. The new Society named after Max Planck, the internationally renowned Nobel Laureate in Physics, reflected Germany’s fresh start as a democratic nation after the downfall of the National Socialist order. The Max Planck Society became the successor of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society (KWS), which was to be dissolved at the behest of the Western Allies owing to its collaboration with the Nazi regime.
After German reunification, numerous institutes were opened in eastern Germany.

MaxPlanckResearch 2/2023 Science Magazine

The Earth: a pale blue dot in the darkness of space, a speck of dust in the light of the sun. This is how planetary scientist Carl Sagan described our planet. It is the home of all humans who have ever lived, and has been the stage for all the stories we know. From here, astronomers peer into a dynamic universe, witness the devilish dance of true mass monsters and gaze into our own past. How did the universe, our solar system, and our home come into being? Why is the Earth so unique? With its profound questions, astronomy brings us closer together, blurs boundaries and creates opportunities for the global South.
When young people migrate without their parents, the most important question for German

„A liberal culture within the police force is something worth fighting for“

The police forces currently find themselves in the focus of public debate. This was triggered partly by the attacks on police officers in Stuttgart by rioting youths. For another part, police violence against blacks in the USA has also brought up the issue of racism in police work in Germany. Ralf Poscher, Director at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law is investigating legal aspects of police work. In this interview he talks about the different police cultures in the USA and Germany, about violence and de-escalation and possibilities to prevent discrimination.
Its foundations were laid as far back as the 19th century under the German Empire

MaxPlanckResearch 1/2012: Symbiosis

MaxPlanckResearch 1/2012: Symbiosis – Partnerships for life: If dissimilar couples enter into a union for life, the relationship doesn’t necessarily have to fail. On the contrary: such partnerships have decisively shaped the evolution of our planet. Max Planck researchers are examining symbioses in animals and plants and keep discovering fascinating details. Bacteria, for example, produce protective antibiotics for insect larvae or help deep sea muscle in the provision of energy.
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