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Keramik zum Falten

Ein Papier, das sich aus leitfähigen Nanofasern der Keramik Vanadiumpentoxid selbstorganisiert bildet, ist bruchfest und biegsam und weist elektrische Leitfähigkeit auf. Ein Team, dem Z. Burghard und J. Bill von der Universität Stuttgart und Materialwissenschaftler vom Max-Planck-Institut für intelligente Systeme und vom Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung angehörten, ahmten in dem festen keramischen Verbundmaterial aus Vanadiumoxid und Wasser die Nanostruktur von Perlmutt nach, die sich selbstorganisiert bildet.
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Sleeping sickness parasite masters three different swimming modes

The causative agent of African sleeping sickness, annually responsible for several thousands of deaths in Africa and South America, is a motile cell: it propels itself through its host’s bloodstream until – in the last stage of the disease – it overcomes the blood-brain-barrier and penetrates its victim’s brain. In order to fight this deadly disease, scientists are trying to understand the parasite’s exact patterns of movement. Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization (MPIDS) in Germany as well as from the Universities of Würzburg, Göttingen and Basel have now succeeded in identifying three different swimming modes. In addition, they were able to show for the first time, that these swimming modes correspond to the shape and stiffness of the parasite.
, Göttingen +49 551 5176-418 Film

75 Years Max Planck Society

A number of prominent guests are expected to attend the official ceremony on February 26, 2023. Former Federal President Joachim Gauck, a Senator of the Max Planck Society, will deliver the opening speech. Afterwards, the renowned historian Jürgen Kocka will give a lecture on „Harnack’s late heirs: the Metamorphoses of the Max Planck Society since 1948”. In his presentation, he will discuss the eventful history of the MPG, which, however, cannot be considered without that of its predecessor organisation, the Kaiser Wilhelm Society (KWG).
brochure for download Video © Bundesarchiv, Welt im Film

Fast MRI in medical diagnostics

The European Patent Office has nominated physicist Jens Frahm of the Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen as one of the three finalists in the category research. The prize is awarded in five categories and honours individual inventors and teams who have helped find technical answers to the most pressing challenges of our time.
FLASH2 makes it possible for the first time to film