Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Compact-Disc

Meintest du compact disco?

Twin jets pinpoint the heart of an active galaxy

Two particle jets shoot out from the heart of active galaxy NGC 1052 at the speed of light, apparently originating in the vicinity of a massive black hole. A team of researchers headed by Anne-Kathrin Baczko from the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy Bonn have now measured the magnetic fields in this area.
They observed the bright, very compact structure of just two light days in size using

Key to rapid planet formation

Ring-shaped disturbances in disks of gas and dust orbiting young stars can trigger the formation of several gas giants. Researchers have come to this conclusion based on a new model that combines all the physical processes involved in planet formation for the first time. According to this model, giant planets can form more efficiently and faster than previously assumed. These results are consistent with recent observations.
very efficient, as suddenly a lot of “building material” is available within a compact

Key to rapid planet formation

Ring-shaped disturbances in disks of gas and dust orbiting young stars can trigger the formation of several gas giants. Researchers have come to this conclusion based on a new model that combines all the physical processes involved in planet formation for the first time. According to this model, giant planets can form more efficiently and faster than previously assumed. These results are consistent with recent observations.
very efficient, as suddenly a lot of “building material” is available within a compact

Best-yet view of the black hole at our galaxy’s heart

A team of researchers – including the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Garching – have gained astounding insights into the galactic centre: The astronomers have spotted gaseous clouds which are spinning around the assumed black hole at the heart of the Milky Way at a speed of around 30 percent of the speed of light metres.
Calçada This unusually compact object sits right in the middle of the Milky Way

Dieter Oesterhelt: interview with Mathias Grote

For the series “Lives in Chemistry”, Mathias Grote, science historian and Heisenberg Fellow at Humboldt University, spoke with Dieter Oesterhelt about his research. With the consent of the publisher, we are publishing an excerpt from the interview in advance. The book will be published in the spring of 2022 in German.
medium, which would be written to and read from with a laser – something like a compact

Dieter Oesterhelt: interview with Mathias Grote

For the series “Lives in Chemistry”, Mathias Grote, science historian and Heisenberg Fellow at Humboldt University, spoke with Dieter Oesterhelt about his research. With the consent of the publisher, we are publishing an excerpt from the interview in advance. The book will be published in the spring of 2022 in German.
medium, which would be written to and read from with a laser – something like a compact

Dieter Oesterhelt: interview with Mathias Grote

For the series “Lives in Chemistry”, Mathias Grote, science historian and Heisenberg Fellow at Humboldt University, spoke with Dieter Oesterhelt about his research. With the consent of the publisher, we are publishing an excerpt from the interview in advance. The book will be published in the spring of 2022 in German.
medium, which would be written to and read from with a laser – something like a compact

Leben mit Licht und Farbe

Für die Serie „Lives in Chemistry“ hat der Wissenschaftshistoriker und Heisenberg Fellow an der Humboldt Universität Mathias Grote mit Dieter Oesterhelt über sein Leben und seine Forschung gesprochen. Mit Zustimmung des Verlags veröffentlichen wir hier einen Auszug aus der Interview-Biografie vorab. Das Buch erscheint im Frühjahr 2022.
einem Laser beschrieben und ausgelesen werden konnte – in etwa vergleichbar mit der Compact