Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Bären

MPI for Intelligent Systems, Stuttgart site | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

The scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (formerly: Max Planck Institute for Metals Research) dedicate their efforts to the material sciences. Their interests include, among other things, how the functioning of materials determines the atomic, nanoscopic and microscopic scale of their macroscopic behaviour. To this end, one of their main fields of research is nanoscience – the scientists investigate magnetic material and fluids on the nanoscale, for example. A further focus of their research is the interface between nanotechnology and biology, such as the behaviour of cells on different surfaces. Many of the phenomena being investigated occur when a material is converted from one state into another or at the interface between two materials. Understanding what happens at such interfaces could help create materials which are more stable and invest them with targeted properties.
build lightweight and delicate robots that raise the bar

MPI for Intelligent Systems, Stuttgart site | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

The scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (formerly: Max Planck Institute for Metals Research) dedicate their efforts to the material sciences. Their interests include, among other things, how the functioning of materials determines the atomic, nanoscopic and microscopic scale of their macroscopic behaviour. To this end, one of their main fields of research is nanoscience – the scientists investigate magnetic material and fluids on the nanoscale, for example. A further focus of their research is the interface between nanotechnology and biology, such as the behaviour of cells on different surfaces. Many of the phenomena being investigated occur when a material is converted from one state into another or at the interface between two materials. Understanding what happens at such interfaces could help create materials which are more stable and invest them with targeted properties.
build lightweight and delicate robots that raise the bar

Whistleblowing – Deterring the use of offshore banking services | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Whistleblowers are not only helping to disclose immoral or criminal acts but also to deter offenders. Niels Johannesen from the University of Copenhagen and Tim Stolper from the Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance found clear evidence for this deterrence effect, using the example of data leaks surrounding banking services in tax havens. The economists discovered that following the appearance of the first data leak, which originated from LGT Bank in Liechtenstein, also Swiss banks engaged in cross-border tax evasion suffered significant drops in their share prices. At the same time, bank deposits in tax havens fell by more than ten percent compared to deposits in non-haven countries.
Whistleblowers steal confidential information in order to lay bare

MPI for Intelligent Systems, Stuttgart site | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

The scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (formerly: Max Planck Institute for Metals Research) dedicate their efforts to the material sciences. Their interests include, among other things, how the functioning of materials determines the atomic, nanoscopic and microscopic scale of their macroscopic behaviour. To this end, one of their main fields of research is nanoscience – the scientists investigate magnetic material and fluids on the nanoscale, for example. A further focus of their research is the interface between nanotechnology and biology, such as the behaviour of cells on different surfaces. Many of the phenomena being investigated occur when a material is converted from one state into another or at the interface between two materials. Understanding what happens at such interfaces could help create materials which are more stable and invest them with targeted properties.
build lightweight and delicate robots that raise the bar

Extremer Druck macht Wasserstoff metallisch | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Unter extremem Druck wird Wasserstoff zunächst zum Halbleiter und dann zum metallischen Leiter. Möglicherweise liegt er unter diesen Bedingungen sogar als einatomige Quantenflüssigkeit, auch Suprafluid genannt, vor. Er könnte dabei unter bestimmten Bedingungen gleichzeitig zu einem Supraleiter werden – das sollen weitere Hochdruck-Eperimente am MPI für Chemie erweisen.
Bei einem Druck von rund 230.000 Bar erstarrte der

„Künstliche Intelligenz ist nicht neugierig“ | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Wie bekommt man einen Algorithmus dazu, dass er die Welt erkundet, auch wenn es dafür keine unmittelbare Belohnung gibt?  Eric Schulz, der am Max-Planck-Institut für biologische Kybernetik in Tübingen forscht, nutzt kognitive Psychologie um Künstliche Intelligenzen zu erforschen. Im Gespräch erklärt er, warum GPT-3 uns Menschen häufig klar überlegen ist, aber Kinder manche Aufgaben besser lösen als Chatbots.
Welt besiegen, aber sie kann dir kein Bier von der Bar

Sun block for the „Big Dog“ | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

An international team of astronomers, including researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy and from the University of Cologne, successfully identified two titanium oxides in the extended atmosphere around a giant star. The object VY Canis Major is one of the largest stars in the known universe and close to the end of its life. The detection was made using telescope arrays in the USA and in France.
a characteristic set of lines, something like a ’bar