Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Bären

A new dimension in materials research | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

In the future, physicists will be able to follow a new lead in their search for new materials for electronic components, for example. An international team of researchers headed by scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart is the first to accurately observe how the physical properties of a substance – or to be more precise of the metal oxide lanthanum nickel oxide – change when it is used in two-dimensional, instead of three-dimensional form. In fact, a film consisting of two layers of material exhibits completely different electronic and magnetic effects when cooled to very low temperatures than does a film comprising four layers. The ability to control the physical characteristics via the dimension as well opens up new possibilities to identify materials from which the chips of the future could be made.
moments of the electrons move about like twirling bar

A new dimension in materials research | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

In the future, physicists will be able to follow a new lead in their search for new materials for electronic components, for example. An international team of researchers headed by scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart is the first to accurately observe how the physical properties of a substance – or to be more precise of the metal oxide lanthanum nickel oxide – change when it is used in two-dimensional, instead of three-dimensional form. In fact, a film consisting of two layers of material exhibits completely different electronic and magnetic effects when cooled to very low temperatures than does a film comprising four layers. The ability to control the physical characteristics via the dimension as well opens up new possibilities to identify materials from which the chips of the future could be made.
moments of the electrons move about like twirling bar

Max-Planck-Forscher in Nature‘s Top Ten | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Max-Planck-Forscher in Nature‘s Top Ten: Für seine grundlegenden Forschungsarbeiten auf dem Gebiet der Hochdruck-Chemie und die Entdeckung der Supraleitfähigkeit von Schwefelwasserstoff bei Rekordtemperaturen listet das renommierte Forschungsmagazin „Nature“ Mikhail Eremets, Wissenschaftler am Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie, in seiner diesjährigen Top Ten Liste „People who mattered this year“.
70 Grad Celsius und einem Druck von 1,5 Millionen Bar

Historie – Kooperation mit Israel | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

1959 unternahm eine Gruppe von Max-Planck-Wissenschaftlern aus Deutschland eine denkwürdige Israel-Reise an das gerade erst etablierte Weizmann Institut in Rehovot. Diese Reise legte nicht nur den Grundstein für enge Kontakte zwischen der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft und israelischen Wissenschaftseinrichtungen, sondern auch für die Minerva Stiftung.
University of Haifa Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Bar-Ilan