Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Bären

MaxPlanckResearch 2/2013: Neurobiology | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

The cosmos of the brain is in a constant state of change. Useless connections are cut and new ones are formed to keep the brain flexible and adapt to the constantly changing requirements. Scientists use sophisticated techniques to visualize the brain’s circuit diagrams. Diffusion tensor imaging, for instance, shows the complex patterns of nerve fibers.
Martinsried wants to find out what constitutes the bare

The James Webb Space Telescope reveals cradles of stars in nearby galaxies | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

New images of relatively nearby galaxies from the James Webb Space Telescope in the infrared light provide insights into regions of star formation in a fine network of gas and dust. The findings allow an investigation of the interaction of star-forming structures on the smallest spatial scales and the shape and evolution of galaxies on larger scales.
The bar consists of gas and dust linking the galactic

The James Webb Space Telescope reveals cradles of stars in nearby galaxies | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

New images of relatively nearby galaxies from the James Webb Space Telescope in the infrared light provide insights into regions of star formation in a fine network of gas and dust. The findings allow an investigation of the interaction of star-forming structures on the smallest spatial scales and the shape and evolution of galaxies on larger scales.
The bar consists of gas and dust linking the galactic

Coffee decaffeination processes | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Coffee: It leaves some people feeling fit and refreshed; in others, it makes their heart race. Scientists have developed several decaffeination processes to allow even people who react badly to caffeine to enjoy a cup of the “black brew.” Kurt Zosel from the Max Planck Institute for Coal Research in Mülheim an der Ruhr came across one of these processes quite by chance in 1967.
30.1 degrees Celsius and at a pressure above 73.8 bar

The James Webb Space Telescope reveals cradles of stars in nearby galaxies | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

New images of relatively nearby galaxies from the James Webb Space Telescope in the infrared light provide insights into regions of star formation in a fine network of gas and dust. The findings allow an investigation of the interaction of star-forming structures on the smallest spatial scales and the shape and evolution of galaxies on larger scales.
The bar consists of gas and dust linking the galactic