Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Amazon

MPI for Biology Tübingen | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Research into the development and evolution of animals and plants. The Institute’s scientists study how a fully functioning organism develops from a fertilised egg cell, and which genes are involved. They also analyse the role of these developmental processes in the emergence of new species, and examine the evolution of proteins. more From the MPI Amazon

MPI for Biology Tübingen | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Research into the development and evolution of animals and plants. The Institute’s scientists study how a fully functioning organism develops from a fertilised egg cell, and which genes are involved. They also analyse the role of these developmental processes in the emergence of new species, and examine the evolution of proteins. more From the MPI Amazon

MPI for Biology Tübingen | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Research into the development and evolution of animals and plants. The Institute’s scientists study how a fully functioning organism develops from a fertilised egg cell, and which genes are involved. They also analyse the role of these developmental processes in the emergence of new species, and examine the evolution of proteins. more From the MPI Amazon

Abschreckende Wirkung von Whistleblowing | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Whistleblower helfen nicht nur, unmoralische oder kriminelle Handlungen offenzulegen, sondern auch, Täter abzuschrecken. Dafür haben Niels Johannesen von der Universität Kopenhagen und Tim Stolper vom Max-Planck-Institut für Steuerrecht und Öffentliche Finanzen am Beispiel von Datenlecks rund um Bankgeschäfte in Steueroasen deutliche Hinweise gefunden.
Internationale Konzerne wie Apple, Starbucks oder Amazon