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Retracing parts of Darwin’s Beagle voyage | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

On 12 February 2022, Charles Darwin would have been 213 years old. In honour of the British naturalist, the international Darwin Day will be celebrated worldwide tomorrow. One person who recently sailed in Darwin’s footsteps is Eduardo Sampaio from the MPI of Animal Behavior in Constance. He spent ten days on board the Captain Darwin in the waters off Cape Verde – almost 200 years after Charles Darwin visited the islands off the West African coast.
Researchers discover how microbial cooperation can emerge Amazon

MPI for Biology Tübingen | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Research into the development and evolution of animals and plants. The Institute’s scientists study how a fully functioning organism develops from a fertilised egg cell, and which genes are involved. They also analyse the role of these developmental processes in the emergence of new species, and examine the evolution of proteins. more From the MPI Amazon