Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Amazon

Eingebettet in das Bakteriengenom befinden sich uralte Replikatoren | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Bakterien enthalten selbstreplizierende Gensequenzen, die sich in einer Symbiose mit dem Wirtsbakterium befinden, ihm also einen Nutzen bringen. Faszinierend ist nicht nur, dass eine Generation in diesen Populationen mehrere 1000 Jahre dauert, sondern, dass wir Konflikte zwischen der Bakterium- und Sequenzpopulation beobachten, die Konflikten zwischen einem Organismus und einzelnen Zellen ähneln.
Researchers discover how microbial cooperation can emerge Amazon

Statement of the Max Planck Society about Prof. Ghassan Hage | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

The renowned Lebanese-Australian scholar Ghassan Hage, who is highly acclaimed in the scientific community, has been working at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology since April 2023. Recently, he has shared a series of posts on social media expressing views that are incompatible with the core values of the Max Planck Society. In agreement with the Institute, the Max Planck Society has therefore ended its working relationship with Prof. Hage.
Environment Minister Steffi Lemke to ATTO in the Brazilian Amazon

Statement of the Max Planck Society about Prof. Ghassan Hage | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

The renowned Lebanese-Australian scholar Ghassan Hage, who is highly acclaimed in the scientific community, has been working at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology since April 2023. Recently, he has shared a series of posts on social media expressing views that are incompatible with the core values of the Max Planck Society. In agreement with the Institute, the Max Planck Society has therefore ended its working relationship with Prof. Hage.
Environment Minister Steffi Lemke to ATTO in the Brazilian Amazon

Simone Schwanitz appointed Secretary General | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

In its meeting on 19 November 2021, the Senate unanimously recommended Simone Schwanitz as the new Secretary General. Against the background that the incumbent Secretary General Rüdiger Willems will retire on 31 May 2022, Martin Stratmann had appointed a search committee at the beginning of 2021 to identify a suitable candidate for this office.
Environment Minister Steffi Lemke to ATTO in the Brazilian Amazon