Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: gender

Jüdisches Museum BerlinQuasikristalle – Blogerim בלוגרים – Blogerim בלוגרים

Ein Gespräch über jüdische Fragen, weibliche Lebensentwürfe und Erwartungen an Literatur Dieser Blog wird von drei Frauen redigiert, die zwischen Mitte dreißig und vierzig Jahre alt sind, Literaturwissenschaften studiert haben und versuchen, berufliches Engagement, ihre Interessen und ihr Privatleben aufeinander abzustimmen. Im Zentrum des neuesten Romans von Eva Menasse, Quasikristalle (2013), steht Xane Molin, eine …
jüdische Autor*innen, Literatur Verschlagwortet mit Gender

Jewish Museum Berlin“Ask the Rabbi“ – Blogerim בלוגרים – Blogerim בלוגרים

Are we allowed to drive a car to synagogue services on Shabbat? If my father is Jewish and my mother is Christian, what am I? Can an uncircumcised man be Jewish? The new special exhibition, “The Whole Truth… everything you always wanted to know about Jews,” deals with common as well as uncommon questions about …
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Jewish Museum BerlinOn Lovable Old Coots and “a kind of infection” Called Love – Blogerim בלוגרים – Blogerim בלוגרים

A Birthday Tribute to an Inquisitive Storyteller On the occasion of his 75th birthday on 4 May, we wish to congratulate Amos Oz, a great writer who visited the Jewish Museum Berlin no less than twice last year. The award-winning Israeli author—he has received, inter alia, the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade (1992) …
Comment Posted in history, literature Tagged by gender

Jewish Museum BerlinThe Long Night of Tikkun, – Blogerim בלוגרים – Blogerim בלוגרים

or What We Can Learn from Loving Women Not long ago, we happened upon the website of a group of three young Jewish women “who care about different aspects of Jewish and Israeli identity and culture and who want to experience a meaningful Jewish life in Berlin.” They call themselves Hamakom (Hebrew: ‘the place’) and …
Posted in old rituals, new customs, religion Tagged by gender