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JMB startet Veranstaltungsreihe mit Natan Sznaider zu Ambiguitätstoleranz | Jüdisches Museum Berlin

Am 10. April 2024 startet das Jüdische Museum Berlin (JMB) in der W. Michael Blumenthal Akademie eine neue Veranstaltungs reihe: die Lecture Series Wo liegt die Wahrheit? Über Ambiguitäts toleranz, kuratiert von Prof. em. Dr. Natan Sznaider (Tel Aviv). Der israelische Sozio loge hält den Einführungs vortrag der Lecture Series und diskutiert an den vier folgenden Terminen mit seinen Gästen über Ambiguitäts toleranz und deren Relevanz heute: Wie können wir unterschiedliche Positionen aushalten und anerkennen?
Sznaider stellt die Psychologin und Psycho­analytikerin Else

Jewish Museum BerlinBest Blog Award – Blogerim בלוגרים – Blogerim בלוגרים

We received a “Best-Blockstöckchen” with a list of questions from Christopher and Johannes, co-authors of “Koschere Melange”, one of our very fave blogs. We = the two Mirjams (on which matter see “Names have meaning“) who have edited the blog since its inception were highly delighted but unfortunately, what with summer vacations and all, it …
Do you have someone else read your texts before you

Jewish Museum BerlinQuestion of the Month: – Blogerim בלוגרים – Blogerim בלוגרים

“How does a kippah stay on?” Our current special exhibition “The Whole Truth… everything you always wanted to know about Jews” is based on 30 questions posed to the Jewish Museum Berlin or its staff over the past few years. In the exhibition, visitors have their own opportunity to ask questions or to leave comments …
Should all else fail, the ultimate kippah secret is

Jewish Museum BerlinMeanwhile in the Box … – Blogerim בלוגרים – Blogerim בלוגרים

The Many Faces of Isaac and Ismael, Part 4 Our special exhibition, “Obedience. An Installation in 15 Rooms by Saskia Boddeke & Peter Greenaway,” has been extended until 15 November 2015. The multimedia art installation takes on the sons’ perspectives of this biblical story, when Abraham intended to sacrifice his son in fulfillment of God’s …
therefore concludes with a brief glimpse into what else