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Jewish Museum BerlinExhibition Tip: Shalom. 3 Photographers Look at Germany – Blogerim בלוגרים – Blogerim בלוגרים

Readers of our blog may be interested to learn that from 5 May to 3 September, the Museum in the Kulturbrauerei is hosting the exhibition Shalom. 3 Photographers Look at Germany. Holger Biermann | Rafael Herlich | Benyamin Reich. Here is a snippet from the exhibition announcement: A kosher food store in Berlin, a rabbi’s …
supplementary offerings for example, can be found on the website

Jewish Museum BerlinWeekend plans: AKE DIKHEA? – Blogerim בלוגרים – Blogerim בלוגרים

Festival of Roman film in Berlin The first Roma film festival AKE DIKHEA? will take place in Berlin from October 19th to 22nd. The films in the festival focus on the life of Roma in Europe –and surprisingly, have a lot to say about European society as a whole. The AKE DIKHEA? film festival, which …
Further information can be found on the official website

Jewish Museum BerlinWeekend plans: AKE DIKHEA? – Blogerim בלוגרים – Blogerim בלוגרים

Festival of Roman film in Berlin The first Roma film festival AKE DIKHEA? will take place in Berlin from October 19th to 22nd. The films in the festival focus on the life of Roma in Europe –and surprisingly, have a lot to say about European society as a whole. The AKE DIKHEA? film festival, which …
Further information can be found on the official website

Jewish Museum BerlinArt and Sanctuary: An Encounter Project in the Blue Room – Blogerim בלוגרים – Blogerim בלוגרים

A boat made of wood and painted canvas strips, a yodeling flamingo, a photograph of turquoise tiles from a Berlin subway station, two cake replicas, metamorphosed Ugaritic letters, a fisherman, a play. What do they all have to do with each other? They are all going to be exhibited at the Jewish Museum Berlin this …
, A Christian and a Jew (more on that show at our website

Jüdisches Museum BerlinWochenendpläne: AKE DIKHEA? – Blogerim בלוגרים – Blogerim בלוגרים

Roma-Filmfestival in Berlin Vom 19. bis zum 22. Oktober 2017 findet das erste Roma-Filmfestival AKE DIKHEA? im Moviemento in Berlin-Kreuzberg statt. Die Festivalfilme fokussieren sich auf das Leben von Roma in Europa – und setzen sich kritisch mit der europäischen Gesellschaft auseinander. Das Filmfestival, das anlässlich des fünften Jahrestages der Einweihung des Denkmals für die …
sowie das Programm finden sich auf der offiziellen Website