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Jewish Museum Berlin“In the quarry, children freeze in the rusty air“ – Blogerim בלוגרים – Blogerim בלוגרים

On the occasion of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, we recommend listening to Ruth Klüger’s speech – for the first time or once again. On 27 January 2016, the author talked in the German Bundestag about her experiences as a 13 year-old forced laborer in the women’s camp Christianstadt (Krzystkowice). Introduction of Bundestag President Norbert …
ceremony will be broadcast live from 1 pm on the website

Jüdisches Museum Berlin»Kunst muss unter die Leute« – Blogerim בלוגרים – Blogerim בלוגרים

Die »HeimatReisen« von Joachim Seinfeld Das Wunderbare an Berlin ist für mich als Historikerin, dass an jeder Ecke neue Orte warten, die mich beeindrucken und mein »historisches Herz« höher schlagen lassen. Dieses Jahr lernte ich wieder einen dieser Orte kennen, als ich Joachim Seinfeld für ein Interview in seinem Atelier im alten Funkhaus im Bezirk …
mehr Informationen zum Kunstautomaten auf unserer Website

Jewish Museum BerlinArt and Sanctuary: An Encounter Project in the Blue Room – Blogerim בלוגרים – Blogerim בלוגרים

A boat made of wood and painted canvas strips, a yodeling flamingo, a photograph of turquoise tiles from a Berlin subway station, two cake replicas, metamorphosed Ugaritic letters, a fisherman, a play. What do they all have to do with each other? They are all going to be exhibited at the Jewish Museum Berlin this …
, A Christian and a Jew (more on that show at our website

Jewish Museum BerlinExhibition Tip: Shalom. 3 Photographers Look at Germany – Blogerim בלוגרים – Blogerim בלוגרים

Readers of our blog may be interested to learn that from 5 May to 3 September, the Museum in the Kulturbrauerei is hosting the exhibition Shalom. 3 Photographers Look at Germany. Holger Biermann | Rafael Herlich | Benyamin Reich. Here is a snippet from the exhibition announcement: A kosher food store in Berlin, a rabbi’s …
supplementary offerings for example, can be found on the website