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Jewish Museum BerlinThere’s a Fair Upstairs, – Blogerim בלוגרים – Blogerim בלוגרים

or Why Toy Dogs Aren’t Allowed in the Museum Some time ago an entire extended family from Berlin wanted to visit the Jewish Museum Berlin, with grandma and the whole kit and caboodle—including their toy dog Choux-Choux. Heading in towards the permanent exhibition, every member of the family passed through the ticket check smoothly … …
father of the family also referred to the museum’s website

Jewish Museum BerlinPainting Music – Blogerim בלוגרים – Blogerim בלוגרים

A Visit with David Benforado “There is a whole world in five notes, just as there is a world in five colors.” With these words David Benforado, painter and musician, expressed his understanding of art to me. Painting Makams and Between Sound and Silence are, appropriately, the titles of his two series for the art …
information about the art vending machine on our website

Jewish Museum BerlinThe Dress of the Unfaithful Wife – Blogerim בלוגרים – Blogerim בלוגרים

Artist Andi Arnovitz Questions Traditional Matrimonial Law In our current exhibition, Cherchez la femme, a transparent dress seems to reveal everything. The Israeli-American artist Andi LaVine Arnovitz created a delicate work of art from washi paper, hair, and Hebrew letters. Locks of hair adorn the paper dress, hinting at the beauty of its wearer. But …
exhibition Cherchez la femme is available on our website

Jüdisches Museum BerlinDas Kleid der Ehebrecherin – Blogerim בלוגרים – Blogerim בלוגרים

Die Künstlerin Andi Arnovitz stellt das traditionelle Eherecht in Frage In unserer aktuellen Ausstellung Cherchez la femme hängt ein transparentes Kleid, das alles preiszugeben scheint. Aus Japanpapier, Haar, Buchstaben und Schmutzpartikeln hat die israelisch-amerikanische Künstlerin Andi LaVine Arnovitz ein zartes Kunstwerk geschaffen. Locken schmücken das Kleid aus Papier und deuten die Schönheit seiner Trägerin an. …
Kunstwerk genauer anschauen möchte, findet auf unserer Website