Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: nations

Statistical Report on International Assistance 2020-2021

In accordance with the Official Development Assistance Accountability Act (ODAAA or the act), the Minister of International Development is required to issue the following key reports on behalf of the Government of Canada within 1 year after the end of each fiscal year.
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for

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Action Area Policy: Peace and Security

Canada has a long history of contributing to peace, security and stability through its international assistance. The Feminist International Assistance Policy would see Canada build on this legacy by pursuing a gender-responsive and integrated approach to responding to global peace and security challenges.
United Nations. (2016).

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Canada-Haiti relations

Canada and Haiti officially established diplomatic relations in 1954 and have continued to maintain strong ties ever since. Over the years, their relationship has been strengthened by their geographical proximity, a common language (French), the growth of a substantial Haitian community in Canada (~165,000) and the ongoing presence of Canadian organizations in Haiti. In addition to its embassy in Ottawa, the Republic of Haiti also has a consulate general in Montréal, as well as an honorary consulate in Toronto. The current Haitian Ambassador to Canada, Wien Weibert Arthus, has held office in Canada since November 30, 2020.
In collaboration with the United Nations, the Organization

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Rapport statistique sur l’aide internationale 2021-2022

Conformément à la Loi sur la responsabilité en matière d’aide au développement officielle (LRADO ou « la Loi »), la ministre du Développement international doit publier, au nom du gouvernement du Canada, ces rapports clés dans l’année suivant la fin de chaque exercice.
différents mécanismes de la Convention-cadre des Nations

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