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Canada’s response to Ukraine International Airlines Flight PS752 tragedy

On January 8, 2020, Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 was shot down minutes after taking off from Tehran, Iran, by an Iranian surface-to-air missile. Fifty-five Canadian citizens and 30 permanent residents were among the 176 people killed in this national tragedy. Canada’s priority is to provide the families and loved ones of the victims with the support they need.
, air accident victims and their families must be kept

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Future of Diplomacy: Transforming Global Affairs Canada – Discussion paper (June 2023)

After 3 decades of unprecedented security and prosperity, Canada is grappling with a shift in economic and political power away from its traditional allies and partners, a return of great power competition, increasing vulnerability to transnational threats like climate change and cyber attacks, and rapid technological change. At the same time, the fabric of Canada has evolved: Canadians are much more connected to the world than in the past, and they have higher expectations for how their government will promote and protect their interests overseas.
For too long, Global Affairs Canada has kept its circle

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Evaluation of the Canadian Trade Offices in China

This report provides findings and recommendations from the evaluation of the ten Canadian Trade Offices (CTOs) in China. This includes an examination of their contribution to Canadian trade and investment; as well as, the efficiency of its resource utilization and of its governance and organizational approach over the period of FY 2011/12 to August 2016.
requirements Mostly located in high-rise buildings   Kept

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Rolling Five-Year Development Evaluation Work Plan 2014-2015 – 2018-2019

The present Rolling Five-Year Development Evaluation Work Plan (hereafter, the Plan) identifies corporate evaluations scheduled for FY 2014-2015 to FY 2018-2019, with a focus on FY 2014-2015. The Plan also includes, for information, a list of Branch-led evaluations planned for FY 2014-2015.
multilateral organisations (this amount has been kept

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Rolling Five-Year Development Evaluation Work Plan 2012-2013 – 2016-2017

This Rolling Five-Year Evaluation Work Plan (“the Plan”) was prepared by the Evaluation Division (ED) of CIDA’s Strategic Policy and Performance Branch (SPPB). It is an updated version of the Plan from fiscal year (FY) 2011/12, which was approved by the Evaluation Committee (EC) in February 2011.
Operational costs N/A   17.08                 Kept

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