Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: gendern

Meintest du gender?

Canada’s strategy to respond to the Rohingya and Myanmar crises (2021 to 2024)

Canada stands by the commitments we made in our 2018 strategy to respond to the Rohingya crisis. We must continue with sustained engagement, and provide additional support to help with the new challenges that have emerged.
These policies place gender equality at the centre

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Formative evaluation of the Expert Deployment Mechanism (EDM) project – Executive summary

This formative evaluation for the Expert Deployment Mechanism (EDM) project was commissioned at the mid-term of the project to provide an assessment of project implementation and achievements at a point when changes can be made to the project to enhance achievement of results, resolve any project challenges and ensure that project resources will be used for intended purposes, including building trade policy and institutional capacity for developing countries with which Canada has trade relationships.
assess the degree to which the cross-cutting issues of gender

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  • International
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