Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: gender

Summary Report – Evaluation of Natural Disaster Reconstruction Assistance in the Philippines 2013-14 to 2018-19

Global Affairs Canada’s response to Typhoon Haiyan provides a useful example of providing relief, recovery and reconstruction assistance. The Philippines program also provides an example of how disaster risk can influence the design, implementation and sustainability of international assistance programming.
approach to integrating disaster risk reduction and gender

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Evaluation of the Canadian Police Arrangement and the International Police Peacekeeping and Peace Operations Program

The International Police Peacekeeping and Peace Operations (IPP) Program has deployed more than 3,800 police officers in more than 30 countries. IPP deployments are comprised of Canadian police officers from the RCMP as well as from provincial/municipal police partners
Deployed Canadian police officers contributed to gender

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How Canada advances democracy in the world

Democracy is a system of government. It’s also a societal system. It embraces inclusion and equality and can facilitate an environment that respects human rights and fundamental freedoms. In this system, people exercise free will. This includes decisions that affect their lives.
to: a better quality of life a more equitable, gender

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