Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Panama

Evaluation of the Americas Strategy

This evaluation of the Americas Strategy was carried out by the Evaluation Division (ZIE) of DFAIT. It looked at a range of issues around the Americas Strategy including: the continued relevance of the Strategy; its alignment with and ability to advance government priorities; its performance to date in terms of results; and the efficiency and economy of approaches adopted to implement the Strategy.
12) new FTEs have been added under the GCS initiative to the missions in Brazil, Panama

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Promotion de l’égalité entre les genres et l’autonomisation des femmes et des filles

Notre engagement à faire progresser l’égalité entre les genres, le renforcement du pouvoir économique des femmes et des filles, ainsi qu’à assurer la protection de leurs droits fondamentaux.
Bulgarie Costa Rica Croatie Ghana Guatemala Indonésie Kenya Namibie Norvège Panama

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Canada’s response to the Venezuela crisis

Canada is deeply concerned by the suffering of the Venezuelan people, and remains strongly committed to the promotion and protection of democracy and human rights. In response to attacks on Venezuelans’ democratic and human rights by the regime of President Nicolás Maduro, Canada has imposed several rounds of targeted sanctions.
the Lima Group in response to the retaliatory actions taken by Venezuela against Panama

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